Lead With Your Heart

for the Week 2022.09.11

‘Can you feel it? It’s not yet upon you but it is on its way.  What you have been working on and for the change in your life that you seek, pay attention as you continue to be focused on your goals and the life that you are building.’  – dorothy


Remember to appreciate the journey.  Each moment that exists serves a divine purpose.  Each moment is significant.


These are the moments of your life in which you choose to act with kindness, patience, compassion and understanding. 


These are the moments that you can choose to appreciate ~ to look for and acknowledge their significance, to accept and allow rather than to seek control of ~ because the moments in front of you are the moments that are for you ~ to engage with your heart.

The moments that have just past are but faint reminders. 

Most of all, the moments of your life may be pondered with focus, intention, participation and manifestation rather than lost in distraction through worry, annoyance and the cascade of thoughts that you allow to rule your mind and exploit your feelings. 

The message here is to hold better focus in the present moments of your life.  Set your intentions high each day for how you will approach and live the moments in front of you ~ and how you will co-create what become the moments that you love ~ and with certainty because you are choosing this.

Choose to live each moment with grace.  Choose to be loving kindness above all else. 

Choose to approach situations with patience ~ for another person, and towards yourself.

If you close your eyes and focus on the ease of your breath ~ on the state of your breathing ~ if you would like to do this with me for a moment now ~ this awareness calls you into presence and the perfection of a state of Being.


From here, decide.  Hold presence to be aware and awake in your life.  Hold presence to witness yourself ~ to find calm ~ to bring to mind the intentions that you will hold to live with kindness, grace, and patience ~ and to choose the mantra that will remind you of how you will live now ~ for today, for the greater certainty of life itself.


“I lead with my heart in all moments.”


There are no situations that cannot be made better by bringing love ~ by being loving kindness, especially when you may want to instead handle the situation using a different approach. 

The teaching is to ~ in that moment ~ find the willingness from within you, to be love in action, to override the typical approach that you might take and to lead with your heart ~ to choose deliberately the words that will empower another because of what you say and how you say it.


For the week ahead and for the rest of your life, let the moments you live count among the moments that you soar, that you live your greatness, that you feel authentic happiness easily, that you live in love with your life.

Let the moments you live be filled with magic, bountiful with inner peace, precious as you hold gratitude for all of the goodness that life gives to you and all of the goodness that you live in the expression of your heart.

Connect with others from your heart centre ~ in kindness and compassion and love for they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect as do you.


Lean into life with your heart.  Take the steps forward.  Embrace what challenges you and find your way.

The greatest challenge is to lean in even further that what feels comfortable.  Lead with your heart.

I know it’s going to be an amazing week in your life.  Make it so.

Sending you great love…



More Heart Wisdom here…