This is Self-Love.

The WISDOM podcast  Season 3  Episode 14

– this episode is dedicated to each and every client that I have been able to help feel the love that they hold; and that they are capable of being



A New Way of Thinking About Self-Love: 0-2:39 | Podcast Theme Intro:  2:42  |  What is Self-Love?  4:09 |  Practical Wisdom to Live Self-Love:  10:03  |  A Masterful Technique to Experience Divine Pure Love:  12:10  |  How You Train Your Heart to Be Open: 17:17  |  How Meditation, Prayer, and the Present Moment Help You Live as Love:  20:58  |  The Ultimate Self-Love toolkit:  24:10 | Podcast Outro: 26:58


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anatomy of an episode: here's what you will find in this episode of the wisdom podcast

What if self-love was something that you simply need to open yourself to; and to refrain from what thoughts and then behaviours keep you closed off from feeling its incredible effects?

Hello this is dorothy. If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a little while or if this is one of the first episodes you’re hearing, I thank you for joining me. Each Sunday I drop both practical and spiritual wisdom, all towards helping you live your greatest life; because we have just this – and we all deserve to live in the most incredible and beautiful way.

If you’ve been struggling with how to feel more self-love, or perhaps you want to live more alive and free in your life; less burdened with the state of your mind and the world, and to feel the expression of beauty in life that exists everywhere you look if you choose to see this.

I want to share a different perspective of self-love and one that is remarkable because self-love is your optimal state of functioning. It is how you feel at your best and most confident, and in a state of love you also live more authentic and true to who you are; uncompromising, purely creative, and carefree.

I think of it as a natural state of bliss, heaven on earth, and something that we are all able to experience here and now, and yes even in the midst of everything that we all have been living – and especially in the last couple of years.

As you align your thoughts and actions with love, you experience your higher good and your highest self as the pure energy of light. This is how you feel when you flow easily with ideas, and as you welcome situations and as you are able to think and feel positively about your life and the world. It’s akin to feeling and expressing happiness, joy, and bliss.

So dive in with me. Open your mind and your heart to more of what you already know, or to something completely new that will help you with what self-love truly is, and how easy in fact it can be to live this.

This is self-love.

“Self-love is a state of appreciation and value of one’s self, made possible from loving and kind actions that support your physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual growth. Self-love is having a high regard for your well-being and happiness, and to be self-accountable to care for your needs.”


Self-love happens as a natural state; an outpouring of love that you live that is already a form of grace, appreciation and honour – that is what you are. You impede the flow of this with critical and unkind words spoken of yourself and of others. Self-love is the love of the divine. It is the truth. It is the right ways in which we honour our inner being – our oneness with source.


In self-love, we live in the kindness of our heart and of its gentle outpouring to all others. We live in the sacred ground of true meaning; the energy of which guides us along a noble path towards all that we are capable of – all of which holds us in the divine – a state of splendour and of our heart to love and be love.


It is when you are preoccupied with or consumed by the frivolities of life – mass consumption, ego driven pursuits, addiction, your eternal grace is overlooked for the instant gratification that feeds an incessant need for love, when love is already what you are.

Love is already the measure of creative wonder that you must live by in order to feel the whole of your being. Wholeness is complete. It is your acclamation with the divine.

In the meantime, serve the needs of the self, the body, the mind: with rest, exercise, healthy whole eating, and the practice of kindness and compassion – which nourishes the soul; for without loving kindness you can never feel happiness and pureness of what you are.

We create the sheath that keeps us from witnessing our true nature. The cloak of worry and confusion; thoughts unravelling, creating doubt, tension, disease when our wholeness and healing is the truest from of light that we may calibrate.

Self-love is the intention to allow in the divine to bathe in the light of our soul and to be this in all moments because this is how we live in the expression of our pureness and power.


Open your heart to the light. Live with your heart open to the true power that you hold – that lives within us. It is the power to open your heart, to witness the infinite joy that lives here; that you claim as your happiness and the sets in motion the life that you are truly meant to live.


When you open yourself to this wisdom and the light of your soul, your purpose in this moment becomes clear. As you take action towards this you now, you hold the power of creative wonder, of certainty, of love.

The journey into self-love begins with the gentle acknowledgement of your inner facing beauty; the beauty and love that exists in the ways in which you live through deliberate acts of kindness, care, compassion, love, truth, honour and goodness directed to yourself and all others. These are the certain ways that you open yourself to the mystery of the divine.


You can have a loving partner, a great job and good friends and not truly live inspired to this because of your attachment to ego; to what and how you define yourself according to all that you come to see outside of you.

The truest form of authenticity is the knowledge that you are already enough as you are – you are already everything that you need to be.

You already have everything that will continue to bring joy and love and as you nurture this what I call your innate gifts and blessings; the interests that you enjoy and do each day, then the love that you are becomes the life that you live.

Nothing keeps us away from our self-love. It is always a part of us. If you do not feel love for yourself it is because the critical and self-loathing thoughts in this moment shroud your ability to feel the true nature of self-love as your witness of the divine; your experience of it as what you are.

Now for the practical wisdom of this to help you discover and live the love that you deserve to feel, that you have always needed to live.

We learn self-love through our ability to love one another. As a child you may have been showered with love and grown up in a culture of receiving praise, being adored and cherished, given fair and safe rules to follow and the teachings that would guide and support your journey.

In the true nature of what you are, your introduction to self-love first arrived in the messages and experiences of those around you.

This is important because being loved and feeling special and cared for sets a precedent for how you witness yourself.

In love – in the grace of the human spirit – is how we feel supported in the world as we grow and learn. Also, some or many of the teachings that we then adopt become entrenchments for ego and fear which remove us from the conditions of love and self-love.

To have a loving environment where you experienced unconditional love is the purest form of how you may learn self-love because self-love exists in the ability to open your heart and to feel the natural outpouring of this powerful energy first from within and then as you choose to explore what divine love truly means, you come to witness the loving nature of your heart always a part of you, accessible simply by your free will to witness it.

Let me show you how this happens with a practical example. Let yourself experience the divine pure love that you are. Do this with me. Imagine the energy of your heart as it is in the centre of your chest. You could also imagine the energy of your heart in your physical heart. Generally when we speak about the heart centre it is the area of your anahata or heart chakra.


For thousands of years, the Hindus have documented the various energy points located throughout the body. These psychic force fields, known as chakras, emanate energy from within. Your anahata chakra is the fourth of seven main energy fields within the body and it is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity.

Imagine and feel this energy within you. Describe it to yourself. If this is a challenge or if you are not able to feel anything of energy here, consider that your anahata chakra is vibrating more slowly, or energetically closed.

You may have closed yourself off from its pureness and the eternal love of what you are, for any number of reasons. We do this in self-protection, self-preservation, when we feel unsafe in the world or around certain people, or as we just spoke about, if you are holding critical and self-effacing thoughts.

Your anahata chakra also opens itself quite instinctively when you feel gratitude, when you allow yourself to be happy as a conscious choice, when you are in the presence of those you love and as you feel their love of you; and as you take their love in.

There are so many other ways that your heart opens spontaneously. After hearing this you may want to pay more attention to the feeling; to notice if your heart is open or not and often throughout your day, and then to imagine the energy here opening as an act of self-love and as it opens you to the love that you exist as.

Imagine now, opening yourself to this beautiful energy that is within you and at once a part of you.

If you are visualizing your heart centre, perhaps you hold an image that suggests for you that your heart has opened.


The energy of the heart now flows easily from this part of you; opened unto itself to emit love in the form of energy of the most pure and highest vibration, and the ever abundant and infinite nature of this heart chakra as continuous.

Its flow never ceases, remember we close down this energy flow through our free will even though we would not want to cut ourselves off from this beautiful energy source, we do with each unkind or critical thought – towards our self or another. This is how we cause suffering to our self each time we think or act unkindly towards another.


Think of the energy of the sun constantly emitting light. The energy of your heart centre does the same. The light that you are, that you may live awakened to, is the ever present form of spiritual love and eternal oneness with the divine.

I mentioned earlier the idea of something covering, concealing this energy so that you no longer see nor feel its incredible power. When you begin to live with your heart open and expansive, you feel this infinite flow of energy and peace as love, as comfort, as ease, as flow, as creativity and presence.

With your heart open, you consistently approach life with a genuine kindness and appreciation of yourself and others; and yet here is the tricky part – your conditioning. If you think or say aloud a critical thought about yourself, the heart chakra and the vortex of this beautiful force field instantly vanishes.

You might visualize it as closing unto itself or as darkness rather than light. The visual is only to help explain the concept.

The energy of your heart chakra is still there. It is only muted temporarily, however if you continued to hold unkind or self-critical and negative thoughts about your life or others you can see how the effects of this become experienced as a bad or sad mood, feeling not good enough, unworthy and unlovable.

Your feelings impact your actions; towards yourself you may avoid healthy pursuits for indulgent self-sabotaging acts; towards others this may be saying unkind words or participating in gossip, criticism, avoiding others, and perpetually more critical and negative thoughts.

If you continued to allow the negative cycle to perpetuate, you can see how you create your reality whether loving kindness or self-doubt and criticism and everything in between.


As human beings we have been given free will choice and a mind to lead our thinking. We also have 40,000 neurons of which are the same type of neurons that are in the brain that originate in the heart, make the heart a perceptive organ.

You can allow the mind or the heart to lead. The mind can be ideal for the complexities of problem solving; the heart acute in serving and knowing what is true in a qualitative means without having all of the data that the mind needs in which to best generate an answer and also the answers that we cannot fully know from a place of logic and proof.

Together both are the tools for how we navigate our world.


When you rely on the heart’s wisdom to guide you; you hold compassion, kindness and care in an instant – in a literal heartbeat. This is what I would call being love. Your love is a natural outpouring of what you are. It is not something that you have to learn. It is being able to witness the energy of the heart as the eternal goodness of what you are; and to let this deep wisdom influence, guide and lead as much as possible – all of the moments of your life.


You can decide to be loving, to be compassionate; to care and then allow the heart to guide you for how to do this.

This is also why meditation, prayer, and being in the present moment for what you are witness to, can help so much.


In the present there is the freedom to allow the energy of love that is always disseminating from your heart to be what you feel.

When you live far more moments out of the present, love flows easily freely as what you are. And you feel the energy of what now called ‘self-love’ because it is both a part of you and it is what you allow through – to live as this.


You feel self-love as you live with your heart open and in the expression of pure divine spiritual oneness – with the god source.

Now let me just say here, I can help you with this. For wherever you are on your journey; you don’t have to embark on a spiritual path to open your mind to the science that positive thought affects the vibration of the atoms and molecules of each cell and how you can create resonance between your heart and mind to feel attuned with happiness and positivism.

Your physical and practical journey into self-love begins wherever you are. It begins with the conscious and deliberate steps that you take each day and in each moment – that help you return to and live in a state of ‘flow’ because the thoughts that you hold are now supporting the feelings that you want to be experiencing; whether happiness and joy, self-love, positivism, ease, relief, gratitude, and of course kindness.

There are many parts to the full expression of self-love as it lives within you and of you. Our work together in a session is one example of how I can help.

Another is a toolkit that I have lovingly co-created with my team to give you the practical and spiritual wisdom to return to self-love; and to live this by choice. If you are listening right now, then you already have a desire to live in self-love or to learn more of how you may continue to do this.

Whether in our work together that is already ongoing, or with the help of a toolkit of resources that will provide the structure and the practical steps to consciously embrace self-love in your life, I invite you get started. You can also set up an official 30 minute self-love coaching session with me.

*This self-love toolkit will also master your ability to live by your heart – by choice, and to override the thoughts that keep you out of a state of love – and to foster and nurture the heart coherence that you witness as an expression of your conscious decision to live as love in the world, and simultaneously as you feel it of and for yourself.

This toolkit includes the sacred elements and practices that open you to real and deliberate ways to live in the love of your heart; to open your heart at will to self-love, to being love in the world by choice, and to experience for yourself how choosing self-love changes your mindset because you are now allowing your heart to lead whenever possible.

This is also how you experience the magic and the love of presence, and the flow and ease of your life already guiding you to experience and discover all that you’ve ever wanted. Your open heart is a direct path to happiness and the abundance that flows as you co-create with the universe.


And because I want you to succeed at this, I have included for us a self-love coaching session as a part of this toolkit so that you and I can speak live and that I can help you receive the most out of this incredible journey into self-love. You are right here and its waiting for you.


All of the love of your heart open to give and receive – open to great love that arrives here for you and pure love that you give openly and that reciprocates ten thousand fold.

Check it out: The Ultimate Self-Love toolkit. 

Until then, let this wisdom guide you into all of what you are; into self-love and being of love and of course in reaping the incredible benefits of life as heaven on earth – here and now. Thank you so much.


Additional Self-Love Resources

* How to Live As Love  [YouTube Video]

* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]

* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]

* This Is A Self-Love Movement  [YouTube Video]

* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit

* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life  [The Wisdom Archives]

* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love  [Podcast Episode]


* Chakra For Beginners [Book]

* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]

A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau  radioplato

Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell