Intuition is the felt sensory experience of your heart and the energy of your highest self in communication with you.  It is what you witness each time you go within for answers, guidance, and wisdom.

Intuition is the most beautiful impression given by your inner being – your soul consciousness in deliberate communication with your physical being.  Whenever you go inward to access your intuitive knowing, you receive the answers – the guidance – of your highest self.  Trust in the wisdom that you are given.  This is how you live enlightened; how you live as an multidimensional intuitive being; it is how you receive the incredible wisdom of your authentic nature.


When I work with clients, I teach them how to become their own best witness – their own source of knowledge and wisdom.  I want to empower them to trust their inner knowing rather than rely on others (or myself) for answers.  In this meditation, I share the simple and yet so profound method for accessing your inner wisdom.  As you practice this you will notice your confidence grow; and you will feel the inspired knowing that you have all of the answers that you need – within you.  namaste xo