“the more I practice loving myself, the more I know how to love others.”  – dorothy ratusny



The cycle of love is extraordinary.

You love, and in being loving you feel its effects as ~ happiness and joy, inner peace, compassion, and freedom.

Let this wisdom inspire one of the most important decisions that you will ever make.

Allow the wisdom of your heart to open you to all of the perfection of what you are meant to live.


Here, we dive into what it means to be love and how to embody self-love in ways that you have never before contemplated ~ and with the practical teachings and the protocols to make this possible.


If you have been wanting to feel more love directed toward yourself, if you have wanted to live with your heart open and to bring this confidence into every situation ~ to exist in a state of loving-kindness and to feel the incredible power you hold when you live as love… this message is for you!


What would life be like if you lived more moments as pure love?

This is a topic that embodies a state of being that I have been teaching for a long time.

Sometimes the state of being of love is a formal practice like what I am about to share with you here, and at other times the practice is purely spontaneous ~ it rises up most unexpectedly as you live it’s beautiful wonder.

The teachings of self-love and being love become a natural outpouring of the solutions I share with you as we work together on the goals and ideals that become what you live for the rest of your life.


For example, if I encourage you to be wholly self-honest it is because this is the path that will lead you out of the untruths you tell yourself, and what lies or embellishments you say to others, of which leaves you disempowered.

Pay attention to how you feel the next time you are not wholly honest and truthful.


Living as self-love is choosing to live out of the space and time of your heart. It is stepping away from the ego and towards the light of the soul.

What does this look like? What are the specific tools and protocols for how to live as love?

One example is the commitment that you make to yourself and with others, to be wholly honest and truthful.

Whole honesty frees you from self-doubt and fear and the never ending job of discerning between what you tell yourself and others and what is really true.


When you continue to live in the stories that you tell yourself and what is not wholly accurate nor true, you begin to live the stories rather than the truth.

Not every story that you tell yourself and share with others is factual.

The practice of self-love is to recognize when you are untruthful and to self-correct in the very next moment.

This is how you begin to live wholly authentic, honest and of your truth.


Make some notes here as you read on.  Consider how you can show up in your life each day ~ each moment ~ living and being loving and allowing your love to be directed unto yourself.

“The more I live in a state of love, the easier it is to love others.” – dorothy zennuriye juno


Self-love and being love both begin as a practice and a conscious decision that you hold in the forefront of your mind.

It can be a question that you continue to ask yourself and a reminder for the decision that you have already made, “How can I be of love …in this moment? …in this situation? …towards this person? …towards myself?”


Love can be spoken as a mantra such as ‘Aham Prema’ ~ the Sanskrit translation of ‘I am love’ ~ or these words spoken in any language aloud or quietly unto yourself.


Above all else, to be love is a conscious choice.

The idea to consciously, deliberately be of love is the same decision that allows you to hold love ~ for yourself in kind actions and the inner dialogue that supports and nourishes you.

To be love is the decision you live honourably ~ to always do the right thing, to be kind and loving and to live of your eternal non-physical state ~ the energy of love that you already exist as at your core ~ and the depth of inner peace that you witness as what originates within you.


The most amazing inspirations I receive arise out of my attention to the present moment and of holding presence to witness my inner wisdom.


The practice for this is something that I’ve shared here and in other teachings (*find some in the list of resources at the end of this post) and if you and I are working together it’s quite likely we’ve discussed what practices and protocols allow you to embrace being of love ~ and to live as love ~ as you are with all others ~ and even as others are not always able to be their best self.


What I’m speaking about is also how to exist as ~ the energy of loving-kindness. When you learn this and as you practice it, it becomes the fundamental way in which you live in the world and the ever-present experience of your heart.

“Today I live within love’s universe.”



As you align your thoughts and actions with love, you experience your highest self.

Your highest self is the equivalent of what I call ~ the eternal part of you that is pure love ~ and ever present light.


“Loving the true self ~ beyond who you are as a human being ~ is the deeper realization of real transformation.” – dorothy ZENNURIYE JUNO


I’d like to share with you the inspiration of how I began to live open to the practice of being love and self-love ~ which are one and the same.

The idea arrived as an inspiration more than two decades ago – the idea entered my mind in a moment of pure awareness – pure consciousness – as I was in the present moment.

When you are living out of the pureness of the present moment ~ your mind open to receiving ~ the most pertinent musings and inspiration will always find you.

The idea arose as a series of questions.  These were not my ideas rather the voice of my inner wisdom.

What if we all lived as love?” and “What if you were to live as love in the world?

The rest is history.


Inspiration arises in the most beautiful ways.  You decide whether to embrace the path you’ve been invited to walk.


What protocols did you think about when taking this journey into self-love and being love?


You can add your own inspirations to this list of five. The five protocols that you need on your journey into ultimate self-love and being love are the following:

~ self-awareness and self-acceptance

~ self-forgiveness

~ self-reflection and self-honesty

~ self-compassion and kindness

~ self-appreciation and self-worth

~ self-regulation

~ self-care

~ self-respect and self-esteem



All of these are necessary and the absolute protocols to lead you on your path into all that you have always been capable of ~ and to live of love now and for your eternity.

You can absolutely practice and live each of these five protocols beginning now. If you wished to take a deep dive into any of these protocols, I will include a link for each of these eight aspects of self-love.  You will also find all eight sacred teachings as a part of the ultimate self-love toolkit.


The secret is to be able to access the love that you are ~ the love that you always will be ~ and to live of this.


Self-love is how you know that you are loved.

It is what enables you to believe in yourself and to love yourself even more.


When you first open yourself to the miracles of love, you find your centre and the miracles that you may choose to live as.


“Freedom and happiness arrive from a place of conscious and deliberate growth ~ growth that invites you into the pureness of what you are ~ and into the light of what you live tomorrow.”

All of life’s most beautiful moments are here in what you choose to live ~ in what you honour yourself to be ~ and in all of the brilliance and light that lives within you.”

How do you experience your true power?


Love is the infinite power of the universe.

When you are being love, you live of this power.

Rather than rely on someone to love you and to help you believe in your worthiness to be loved, open yourself to the incredible compassion and love that flows from within you ~ that is for you. You find this within yourself.

You can do this as you focus upon your heart centre.  Be here for a time ~ in the perfect nature of the heart.  Feel the energy of your heart expanding.  Let it open to reveal the state of love that you may live in.  This love is experienced as inner peace, joy, comfort, contentment and great appreciation for your life and all that you choose for yourself now and forever.

What daily practice can you begin that will remind you of your decision to be of love?

This is just the beginning. There is so much more that you will open yourself up to once you begin.


Sending you great love xo

~ namaste


love, dorothy



Resources of Love and Self-Love: