self love is the love you are in search of

‘You have within you more love than you could ever know’ – dorothy zennuriye juno


the love you seek is your own.  the love is YOUR love.

the love that you wait for is already here.  it is already a part of you…

the love you want lies within ~ it lives in your heart.

go discover it.


WISDOM Note for 09-18-2022

We look beyond ourselves for our feelings of happiness, for feeling safe and secure, for proof that we are lovable, good enough and approved of by others.

Knowledge of this is powerful.


To know you are loved ~ to know that you are deserving of great things ~ all of which are of your choosing ~ is enough.


Know that love is what you are.  It is your authentic and eternal nature.  It is the most complete and perfect aspect of you.


When you look to others and external circumstances as the source of your happiness ~ or any positive state, your desired emotions will be fleeting at best.


When you rely on yourself for your happiness and the positive mindset that you wish to have, the opportunities and possibilities for this become limitless.


The secret to feeling and living happy ~ is to be conscious of the energy of the divine that is always flowing through you. 

Feel the pure love that you are.

Radiate love and kindness.


Adjust the scope from where you look for and seek happiness.  Happiness begins with you.  It originates within.  You are in charge of and responsible for how you feel, your thoughts, and the way in which you carry forward your thoughts and feelings into your life ~ moment by moment.


To live as pure consciousness is to live awake to your true nature as love ~ as the energy of the divine ~ as source.

How do you live as the embodiment of love?  How do you rely on yourself for feeling loved and for exuding love readily?  Especially when you are also affected by all of the thoughts you think and the perceptive interpretations of your experiences.


We are no doubt sensitive to the words and actions of others.  Many of us are also acutely aware of others’ moods and the unspoken mannerisms that we sense and observe.

Therefore we can be even more inclined to react and be affected by what we experience all around us.


Remember that if you are focused on being happy, showing up in each moment ~ content in who you are, willing to be kind, feeling joyful on purpose, appreciative of everything that yields abundance and beauty in your life, and forever encouraging ~ towards yourself ~ then it will be an easy feat to be this with others.


When your mind is filled with thoughts that disempower, that discourage, that focus upon what is not wanted, or thoughts of a critical and judgmental nature ~ you cannot be happy.

You cannot shine light into the world when your mind is filled with negativity, judgment, anger, and hatred.


The first step is to quiet the noise of destruction, discomfort, distaste, dis-ease (of the mind).

You must begin here because of the choice you have been making ~ whether you realize it or not ~ to live separate from the pure nature of what you are.

Decide that you will first be the love and kindness that you seek.  This is the solution to how you take responsibility for your happiness ~ and your life.


To be love first means that you focus on what you need to do to feel and be the love that you wish to experience in the world.  To do this, you must discover the incredible positive energy that resides within you.


You can guide and direct the thoughts of the mind by choosing what thoughts will allow you to feel ease, content, optimistic, grateful, happy ~ and of course what thoughts allow you to feel your authentic power as love.


You can also quiet the mind as you sink into your heart region and allow yourself to feel what is there.

This is a beautiful experience of awakening and love ~ as you open yourself to the loving kindness that is your true nature.


All that you need to do is witness for a time as you focus onto your heart centre.

Allow the experience in.

Discover it.


I share this beautiful teaching with you because I want you to have the ability to rise up into your greatness through your own means.

You can always return to this source of love ~ and you must ~ often.  Think of it as a recalibration ~ a re-alignment with your highest self.

You ~ as the energy of love through and through…




To awaken, to live with your heart open ~ experience this guided meditation:




More Love and Wisdom here…