In this live session on Insight Timer, I spoke about the first of five Niyamas ~ Saucha, or purification.

If you missed this live session, please check out my profile on Insight Timer and catch up with me in the next ‘live’.  I host live sessions each week on different topics and I encourage you to bring your questions to the session or send them ahead so that I can be sure to answer them all!!


Here are the highlights from this Q & A. Please feel free to send me any of your questions on this or any of the Niyamas!

What is special about joining in on the ‘live’ sessions is your experience with me in guided meditation in real time.  Here is a meditation that you can experience that will help you in living the purity of the present moment:



Q.  Can you purify your mind and body to live as open and love-filled as your heart?

A.  Absolutely!  Each step you take towards purity and wholeness has a synergistic effect.  You feel better, stronger, more vibrant, and you become unstoppable as you fill your mind with positive thoughts and as you take actions that support you in how you want to live your best life.


Here are the best practices for this.

  1. Remember that what you give you receive.  This is the universal law of giving and receiving.  This law describes the constant flow and exchange of universal energy that we guide and direct through our deliberate actions.  Simply put, the way to amplify or expand anything that you want is to be this first ~ and to give it to others.  For example, if you want to experience more peace and more love, you expand your own experience by being peaceful and loving with others.  As you aim to live more pure in your life and as you are this in your relationships with all others through pure thoughts and actions, observe how others begin to show up in this same way to you.

  2. Your cells are always listening. Speak lovingly to yourself. Use encouraging words. Be expressive in your love and kindness directed inward and notice how this instantaneously feels.  Observe your thoughts far more carefully.  Replace negative and critical thoughts with thoughts of love and positivism.  Remember that negativity poisons the mind.  Positivity restores balance and the flow of positive energy and the energy of love.  Choose to have a pure and healthy mind.

  3. Purify your body with water, juicing, cleansing, fasting.  Discover ways to purify and feel these effects in your overall vitality and life force.  For example, consider exercise like hot yoga to cleanse and purify the body. Use saunas and red light therapy.  Discover ways to live and breathe pure.



Q.  How do you live of a pure heart?

A.  You live of a pure heart when you consciously choose to live open and full of love.  This is the subject of both of these guided meditations.  Experience each here:

The New Metta ~ Loving-Kindness Meditation

Living With Your Heart Open

If you open yourself to ‘the experience of oneness’ you begin to observe and witness the connection that exists between yourself and all living beings.

Find the good in all situations and in others and yourself.  Even mistakes can lead you into self-improvement and self-compassion if you allow this.  Remember that love is the most powerful energy of the universe.




Q.  How do you live in the pureness of each sacred moment?

A.  If you first remember that love is the most powerful energy of the universe.  All things of goodness begin with love.  The four best practices for living the pureness of each moment are:

  1. Be present to each moment ~ as fully and completely as possible.

  2. Open your senses.  Focus.  Listen for example to the breeze rustle the leaves of the trees. Hear the wind chime ring.  Listen to the different sounds that each type of bird makes.  Use any of your senses to bring you into the present moment and simply be here enjoying ‘what is.’

  3. Gratitude for this moment holds your heart open and pure.

  4. Allow the moments to be what they are.  Be curious.  Be open to how each moment unfolds in its own perfect and pure way.  Notice now how there is no longer a need to change the moment rather to lean into it and enjoy it for what it offers.


sending you great love.  namaste! ??



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