On Being and Becoming

“I hold this plan to my life; that of which I do and all of what I am. I live in the distinct power of my heart simply open – to love.” – dorothy ratusny


Let these two words be the ever present wonder of your heart open to love; open to all things remarkable and carefree. Your heart opens when you express loving kindness; when you give and receive actions of kindness and love.


Think of loving kindness as what ignites the hearts of all beings; what moves them out of their suffering and into light. These are the many ways that love is adorning. Love is pure and perfect and of all of the sacred moments of life that you live in appreciation and wonder.


BEING is the first measure by which you open yourself to love. Being is grace. It is you awake to the present; to what is before you – to what gifts exist in and of this moment.


Now and in the sojourn of your happiness, of your faith; you honor the dignity of what you know; you live here in the certain ease of your grace and perfection and love to overcome all obstacles; to rise up – to step into the life you have been given and to live this as the beautiful nature of what you are.


*Here is a practical way for you to embrace who you already are:

Consider what three beautiful and unique gifts and talents you possess; that you hold; that you have been blessed with; that you hold; that are a natural outpouring of your beauty and love. Beauty not as in you aiming to be desirable to others against some acclimated standard arbitrary set; but beautiful as you already are. Beautiful as your inner being; beautiful as your inner nature as love; love that you are within and outwardly in all that you do and all that you exist as.


BEING is being of this moment; of living this moment fully and completely for now is what we have in front of us. Each moment outpouring into the next and the next.

There are two beginnings to each day. The start that is and the start that you experience as loving kindness flowing through your being. You not reacting to the world around you rather co-creating it; one blissful moment and the next.


In fact there are two realities at play; the world that is going on – of which every other living being is a part of; all significant, all interwoven as a part of the greater whole and there is you interfacing with the world as it is – as you choose to see it; as you wish to experience yourself in and of the world and this is what you have complete control over.


There is no light, no grace without loving-kindness. Your presence in and of each moment is how you hold the space in your life for great things; the ideas that flow with conscious thought into your mind as beautiful musing from the universe.

The wisdom you hold for all of life is the wisdom that you feel deep within your soul. The eternal part of you that is always present; always in existence of – always pure loving generous; the generous nature that you are is your heartfelt nature; your spiritual self – your pure and ever-present consciousness that guides you far deeper into the world beyond what you witness with your eyes.


Pure unconditional love rises up from within you in the present moment of your life; in the certainty of what you are and what you are continuing to still become.

BECOMING is ever present. We are all both being and becoming. It is your choice for all that you become and why. It is this ritual of both that we continue to flow between; the present and that is possible.


The secret is to know this and to live this wisdom as your life. Being in the state of now that encourages your love and happiness and becoming all that you already are capable of and more. To witness yourself with the pure experience of this is to honor all that you are (in and of the present) and equally to see your capacity for greatness as love in action.

You are this love. You are greatness in each moment that you live in now; in the presence of what is right here before you.

In the present you exist. In the present you open your mind to be here and now and then in other moments and by choice you align your heart with what more is desired.

Being and becoming. These are only two spaces from which you live; for living in the desire of the present and of all of what you will still gather unto you.


Namaste! ?


More Love, More Presence right here…