Do You Believe In Miracles?

Real Life Client Story #009 | ‘ask dorothy’


In a recent session, I witnessed a client’s state of pure joy; joy as authenticity and honesty; joy that is of elation and a natural altered state of pure consciousness. It was what I would describe as witnessing abundance; abundance of happiness, of gratitude; of the ability that we all have (and that she so beautifully demonstrated); to see everything in one’s life as significant and of precise purpose; and of the inherent ability to choose based on the deepest desires of our heart.

Our session was also a testament to the simplicity of miracles that abound – everywhere.

As this dear described some of the events that playfully conveyed to her what joy is, it reminded me of how the state of joy is inherent to the experience of miracles. I will explain this in more detail in a moment.

I don’t know that I’ve ever had a session exclusively on the topic of miracles; of example after example of the miracles that someone has observed and noted as the result of deliberate co-creating. (To our delight, there are also miracles that show up in perfect order, precisely as we need them.)

This entire session of ‘miracle manifesting’ was fun.  It was different from the momentary enlightened state that clients often experience during a session; and as they begin to feel relief, inspiration, of purposeful action, and the reclaiming of their self and their life.

I always look forward to the ’aha’ revelations and the moments of insight and discovery that fill one’s heart and mind with joy; joy that is found in the appreciation of life’s miracles abundant in all moments.


This choice, this free will choice that we all hold, and with it a beautiful and somewhat seemingly still, radical approach to co-creating miracles, was exactly what this client demonstrated.

This client had decided to perceive the world around her and to witness her life in tact and in this moment – as remarkable; to bathe in the ‘glow’ of asking and also being grateful for the having of what she wanted; and for witnessing her miracles as they showed up, in their own remarkable way and timing.


This is what I teach; that is, how to live in the space of your heart far more of the time; in fact to aim to live in the spontaneity of your heart in all moments as your personal goal; even as you are always using your mind (your brain) to help you make the best decisions.

In practical terms, you may live of your heart as you choose to witness life through eyes of childlike wonder; with amazement and appreciation. It is for some, a huge quest and yet as the concept is grasped; as you have that first ‘aha’ moment in which you realize that you are truly the creator of your life; it is like you are now living a fairy tale; because as you change your perceptions of yourself, others, and the world; you, others, and the world change to meet those new perceptions.

That is why you will always see and experience what you think you will. This is also what makes the concept of heaven on earth; here and now, as both practical and far-reaching.

Joy was for the wonder and miracles of life that this client was witness to all around her; inspired so much so by these that she began a ‘miracle book’ – a notebook that she named, that would document each miracle that she was witness to because, as she described it, “I could not make this stuff up.”

Joy, was her heartfelt expression, as this client realized that after almost 60 years of life; she could indeed be happy; joyful in and for her life right now; and that the one childhood fear that she carried and lived all of this time; the fear of being alone was no longer her fear.


One simple, yet profound ‘miracle’ this client wrote about in her book was the certain realization that she was actually never alone. Her most recent miracle recorded, was the reminder of this ‘lesson’ by the sheer inspiration of what it meant to have a houseplant that she had bought some 36 years ago when her daughter was just two. The houseplant that had continued to flourish; to outgrow in fact, the relationships of two marriages, and what friendships withered and died.

My client described her ‘aha’ moment of awareness; of this ever thriving houseplant, to illustrate that she had never really – even as an only child; even as she feared being alone, even as both husbands left, as her children grew up and moved away; even as she lived with herself for most of the past decade, this dear client realized that she – was never truly alone.

Feeling ‘alone’ is something many of us experience when we are not connected with all of who we are, and what we are as our spiritual self. I’m going to include a link here for a post in The WISDOM BLOG on the three secrets for how to never feel lonely as a helpful reading that you may want to take in.

The knowledge that who and what you are is the same as what is called the ‘god source’; that each one of us is both physical and nonphysical; and that if you are seeking answers to the bigger questions of ‘Who am I really?’ ‘What is the purpose of my life?’ ‘What is god?’ and ‘What is the universe?’ – you are indeed yearning to remember; to discover all of what you are.

These are the questions that inspire your awakening; that encourage you to look inward; that challenge you to identify what you believe; and then to find and witness what information, science-based research, and ‘real life’ miracles support your discoveries of truth.

This is how you come to be on a spiritual path; and to discover how you may live beyond what you once thought and believed.

For this client, a spiritual awakening came in the form of rethinking her perspective; of remembering so many of her blessings despite the hardships of growing up in a home where her father did not value his daughter, and her mother did not attend to lift her spirits.


We all come from varying backgrounds and teachings that can make it a challenge to appreciate what I am suggesting. Your life and your experiences will always open you to the possibility of something more that exists within you; that is always a part of you; to a spiritual life and what allows you to feel a connection with what you cannot always witness with your eyes; even as it is palpable to your heart.

These are the things that can be sensed or felt by the promise of seeing beyond what you see with your eyes; of understanding that life is meant to be enjoyed and explored with your heart open. It’s that simple.

When you walk the planet with awareness of your life force energy; you are already awake to the fact that you are witness to more than what is seen with your eyes. This insight begins to hold greater presence; to suggest that there is more than what you may make logical sense of. This will always make for the best outcomes.


Hold an attitude of appreciation for all of the good that exists within you, within each one of us. I encourage you to transcend this idea. And as my client discovered by the mere choice to open her heart intentionally; to her willingness to see miracles show up in support of her, and as she began to live in her joy; in a state of perpetual happiness and appreciation of life unfolding before her; her life, her perspective, each moment, became an opportunity to birth a new miracle.


Remember that freedom is a choice; a decision we make that liberates all fear and suffering. Now is the perfect time for you to do the same; to rise up, to witness your light – to live of its beautiful nature as love, eternal.


For as much as we can look for answers to our fears in religion, one can attend church synagogue, and prayer meetings; read scriptures in the bible or Torah; and yet it remains that you must be witness to what reminds you that you are more than a physical being; that synchronicity is not separate from divine consciousness or what you may call by any other name; Allah, god, Yahweh, source, universal consciousness etc.

What is of your sacred offering if not to know that you are the beautiful wonder of your heart; of this same divine spiritual energy that flows through all living beings. As we choose to live of our pure nature, we express the same pure joy and expansive abundance, manifesting all that is most wanted.


The sound of this client’s voice as we spoke by phone was light, playful, and full of gratitude; for the simple gifts of finding her favourite restaurant chain when out exploring in the new area that she had recently moved to. This ‘miracle’ was the asking to find this particular restaurant – to hold this intention – and then to allow herself to indulge in a milkshake with her meal when she found it.

Another miracle that she relayed, was in holding a new and kinder perspective to situations that would previously cause her panic and fear. A miracle of holding gratitude and seeing the efforts of good in others rather than victimizing herself; made it possible for her to read her email communications with thankfulness, rather than anxiety and dread.

Miracles found readily in the everyday moments of life, now witnessed with the joy that arises from living in the present moment; of no longer harrowing in all that was wrong with the world and with judging others unkindly. In this way, miracle seeking becomes our choice.


My client relayed some of the highlights of the past few months since we had last spoken; her home of sixteen years closing in its sale; the home she knew as her very own; bought and carefully managed entirely on her single salary as a nurse and which supported both daughter’s education. A home where she had planted the now fully matured trees and garden; and to which she felt a sense of accomplishment even though her finances had been so very tight most recently.

Joy was felt because now she was debt free; this was yet another miracle manifestation. The decision to sell her home; one that she toiled with heavily became one that she embraced wholly. Even in the latent moments of needing to find a new dwelling, as this client became absolute and certain in her clarity of what kind of home she wanted, found precisely that; in a quiet city three hours away and in which she would find much joy to live in.

“A shift in feeling; from fear, lack and uncertainty to love is the miracle that we all seek.”

Your life, your state of being changes when you hold loving thoughts, kind thoughts, thoughts which allow you to embrace all of the good that you need to see and acknowledge in the world.

Not only her financial situation, but her newfound freedom of courage; her willingness to set aside what perceptions and beliefs that had made her a victim; were now replaced by joy arising out of her conviction for living in a state of gratitude and ‘in love’ with life. This client, no longer terrified; rather open and playful as she witnessed herself to be blessed; thankful for seeing how every experience was itself a teacher; and an opportunity to ask for what she needed with gratitude and love.

This client described her transformation into living present (as much as possible), by calling herself back each time her mind would form critical thoughts. The old habits learned from disappointments and the berating words spoken by others; would be replaced by the simple act of quieting her mind; holding presence in this moment; and taking several conscious breaths to ease herself into a serene state of inner calm and peace.


Inner conflict can arise from the mind’ s attempt to rationalize what others might think or say; or what you might tell yourself that others are thinking and saying, rather than give your full attention to the blissful presence of enjoyment that arises from a life lived as your authentic self. You may seek joy and inner fulfillment; and in what is more distinctly characterized as the playful inner child that knows how to live in the present moment quite instinctively.

By the time that we begin kindergarten, and our entry into formal education, we have already begun our retraining out of what is our instinctive nature. We are taught how we must screen our thoughts to say what is ‘appropriate’, how to follow in the path of others, and what our actions should be in order that we may be liked. We learn to behave in a way that is controlled rather than spontaneous; measured by the external validation of others rather than our confident knowing of what is right and best for who we are.

By the time we are halfway through elementary school, we have learned to shut down our innate tendencies for exploring our world; and for being confident and certain in who we are. Instead we have begun the long and often lonely path of existing in complacency (of what we have been taught), and of forgetting all of our inherent beauty and wisdom and our incredible nature.


“Be witness to the simple nature of joy; found in the present moment and of the most simple expressions of your heart, inspired by what you enjoy most and what nourishes your soul.” – dorothy ratusny


The formula that this client chose was to live in joy; to playfully find and manifest miracles; to give mindful attention to the present moment; to notice when her critical thoughts were in play and to then immediately remind herself to live out of authenticity (of what choices would be right for her) rather than out of fear of what others may think or say. This formula may not always be followed perfectly, but it is what allows for one’s freedom of choice; liberation rather than loneliness; and to live in the knowledge that you are more than good enough as you are.


You allow the miracles of life by means of seeing these as so, and to be what lends certain truth to all of your actions.


Each client session has the propensity to pursue spiritual growth; to experience how you will always be supported by the universe, by the planet, and of yourself; as you seek to live in your authentic nature and to revel in your goodness.

As each client is willing to discover and seek more; and to live a life that truly embodies the greatest possibility for what they are capable of and then some; therapy can be the mystical and also practical means of helping someone connect the dots; to discover revelations and realizations of their path; for what is needed; for them to live of their light; and to find and feel joy in the simple things.

We are all perpetually on this beautiful journey for as long as we are all here with one another. You can believe in miracles; you can go in search of them each day. You can nestle into their pure and expansive offerings as love each time you hold presence in the perfection of each moment and as you live inspired because of the yearnings of your heart; because this is what allows you to hold mastery in the co-creating of your life adorned with its simple and yet such incredible wonders.

Perhaps you will also make the decision to feel pure joy like this client; and to begin to note all of life’s beautiful miracles in support of you – and recorded for posterity, in your own personal book of miracles.

An Afterword:
I love to bring laughter into a client session in heartfelt and authentic ways; sometimes as a natural means to offset the heaviness of the tone in which we are discussing something of weight; but also to help reveal the incredible uplift that we may give ourselves each time we choose to look for moments of joy; and to easily be our pure and authentic nature. Your homework practice for the week is to find your joy in the miracles of life which remind you of your ability to live in this state; to see more of life through the lens of joy and abundance and miracles abound.


More Miracles, More Joy…right here!