Love is Love


words as poetry….





love is the first glimpse of my world as I open my eyes.



it is the gratitude for the beauty I see around me and as I gaze out my window.


love is the holding of excitement for some of my favourite things that lie waiting and for the magic I invite in.


love is my response to all those I love

and to the deliberate thoughts I hold as I am thankful.




love is the energy of my heart expansive. 




I can literally feel the ease of love open me 

and to the presence I live each time my ears hear the words, “i love you”.



love is the grace I AM through words and actions of kindness to all.



love is the reminder that I AM to enjoy life

and to appreciate all of its graceful moments that are made for me.



love is the adoration and appreciation of the breeze, the sunrise, and the willingness to see the good of life.



love is gentle, tender, thoughtful.  it is the habits that nourish my being ~ that bring forth pride, confidence, worth.


love is the experience of each moment in its full presence, awake, content.


each moment is the passage into something new and to the wisdom I seek reflected all around me.


love is the perpetual gesture of my recognition of others’ importance in my life.



it is the willingness and the freedom to give of kind and loving words and to enjoy the joy I feel of my actions.


love is the certainty that I am blessed and that I through my love and kindness attract all goodness and prosperity.



i experience the miracles of life through my willingness to believe in the perfection of each moment ~ to embrace the moments as the moments I live in the beauty of all love.



love is love. 


it is the most perfect state of being to seek and live and know ~ to experience incredible power for the life you may choose for the life that is waiting for you.


Music Credit: Unicorn Heads – Drifting at 432 Hz.



Love Inspired…