The Experience of JOY | The WISDOM podcast S2 E21 with dorothy ratusny (image of man and woman having fun paddleboarding)


The Experience of JOY

The WISDOM podcast  Season 2 Episode 21

with Dorothy Ratusny


“Joy is a privilege that you nestle your heart into; that you live as the sweet wonder of life ever present, ever flowing.  It is what you seek to live as; it is the wonder of your presence, your enjoyment, your glory, your love.”  – Dorothy Ratusny



Podcast Intro:  0-1:31  |  JOY defined…  1:34 |  Remember What Life Is Truly About:  2:02  |  What Joy IS:  3:49  |  My Hope As You Listen…  3:40  |  Your Childlike Wonder: 5:40  |  Connect With Your Inner Child As A Direct Path to Joy:  6:12  |  How To Live Each Day In JOY:  9:54  |  In Your Life Right Now, You Will Need… 11:33 | Helpful Links and Resources to Open Your Heart to JOY:  13:12  |  Podcast Outro: 14:14



Perhaps it was the latent effects of summer as I was scripting this episode that reminded of the playful nature of our lives that is always within our reach.  In this episode of The WISDOM podcast, I invite you to revisit what simple pleasures you may curate in life’s daily experiences that will allow you to witness joy; to revel in its beautiful presence; calling you by name; ushering in the gentle reminder that love and joy are your eternal birthright.

Here we dive into how joy may be experienced in far more moments of your life; how you may easily go in search of it to fill you with wonder and appreciation, and to remind you of the importance of living in a state of joy by choice.

Joy is expressed as pure delight.  Joy is infinite wonder.  It is the experience of light that fills your soul; that is your soul in bliss, in anticipation, in contemplation of the spontaneous wonders of life.

Joy is how you express kindness; your heart open – in light; in the perfectly inspired thoughts that you hold in anticipation of what the next moment brings, and the next.

Joy is your heart in the full experience of life; open, receiving kindness; being loving kindness as you step out into the world; as you greet your first person; and as you honour the inner child within you as they yearn to be playful, to move with keen awareness and the love that you hold within; that is always of your light and inspiration.


“Your life is meant to be joy.  There is joy in appreciation so that even when things happen; as life preambles death; you can still witness the experience of joy deep within your heart.  Joy is what you are each time you live out of your heart; each time you allow your heart to guide your choices and decisions.” – Dorothy Ratusny


Sometimes, when I am in need of joy, I check in with my inner child.  She is always happy to have my attention and I choose to let her lead; to have her guide me by asking, “What do you want to do right now?”  “What would allow you to feel joy now?”

When you ask your inner child or even your current adult self, “What would allow me to feel innate happiness and joy?” you will be pleasantly surprised by how simple the answer is.

This morning, joy was in the playful balancing of yoga postures coupled with motionless floating on my paddle board in the lake.  In playful joy it does not matter; it never matters if I fall in the water because the joy is in the experience of trying something new; of having fun – simple fun – of being still in the quiet and calm of the lake.


“Joy is not perfection.  It is experience.  It is the experiences that you give yourself that curates moments of joy; joyful pursuit, joyful presence, joy which inspires and emulates more joy.”


I’m not suggesting that you need to maintain a level of joy that is the rush of adrenaline akin to riding the fastest and highest roller coaster, but the joy that is a state of being; joy that allows you to be kind and present, to laugh easily; to be happy amidst daily life challenges so that you may remember that there can still be joy found in all of life; joy through acceptance through self-examination, and a positive ‘perspective’, knowing that everything has a way of sorting itself out; and more so still when you decide what is needed and to hold to this as you seek the best solutions.


Each day, make it a practice; a human condition that you uphold and share with all of your loved ones;  the experience of joy felt first in your heart by means of simple offerings; of what resonates for you; of what simple life pleasures open you to witness the expression of joy; and then you will be reminded of how joy is always right there – in the beauty of life’s precious moments that you choose to witness as so.

You and another can see the same scenario and you have chosen to witness with eyes of appreciation and thankfulness while someone else’s focus is on what is not right, and each of your experiences will be determined by this position.


Share in the joy of life by seeing the beauty in everything; by looking for and finding the good because it will always be your perceptions; the way in which you choose to see everything that determines whether you are able to live in joy – or if you live in the absence of it.


I am inspired to share this with you because in your life right now, you will need to open yourself by choice to what experiences and ways of thinking and being that will reflect joy.

And a secret: joy is far more lasting and sustainable if it is witnessed in all of life; and especially in life’s current moments unfolding then if you look for joy in material things or conditions; such as landing that job, or someone that you are crushing on, liking you back.

Challenge yourself to live in a state of perpetual joy by remembering first and foremost it is a conscious choice.  You might say it as a mantra.  “I choose joy.” “I choose joy.” “I choose joy.”

You are joy.  Maybe it is a good thing to always remind yourself of this.  “I am joy.”  “I am joy.”  “I am joy.”  Go out in search of it.  Find appreciation and joy in the smallest of things that you witness all around you and of course certainly, deliberately; what you hold witness to in your heart.

I’m going to leave some helpful links here to help you practice living “in joy” and to feel your heart open to receive joy.  And of course, joy is always so easily found in the yearnings of your inner child; what your inner child – perhaps also your adult self, yearns for.  Follow this and it will lead you into joy.

If you would like more help with this; with the witnessing of your heart open to joy; please reach out to me.  I am always here to help.  Namaste!




*If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me.  You can find me at:


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A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau

Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell

Accompanying Music:  ‘Floating’, ‘Shrine’ & ‘Mira’ by Eternell


Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you…


love, dorothy


More JOY!  Check Out These Resources: