~ Be guided in the experience of meditation with descriptive cues and inspired thought for musings and inner reflection ~ for witnessing your deeper consciousness and for receiving divine wisdom in which to co-create a unique experience each time you listen ~ 



the power of love ~ a contemplative meditation ~ with dorothy zennuriye juno. (image of dorothy)

the power of love

“As love, we are limitless.  Love overpowers any fear, any self doubt, any need to withhold our true feelings.”   

 ~ dorothy zennuriye juno







The most important thing that you can do, that each one of us can do ~ is to know what it needed to live as love. 


You are love when you are living as your authentic self.  This is what you must do. 


Begin each day from a state of love. 

You do this by remembering this state, by holding the power of this love as what you are.

Join me in this contemplation meditation for remembering your power as love.



More Love and Self-Love: