Project Description

B R E A T H as the Sacred Moment of Wonder

‘Witness your breath as a sacred moment of wonder ~ of guiding yourself back into presence and into the light of eternity.’  – dorothy ZENNURIYE JUNO

In this prose meditation, I guide you into a trance-like state of presence.  Follow my words.  Let yourself take them in.

Let the feeling that these words convey determine for you what is right.  Open yourself to be a witness to your experience.


The purpose is discovery ~ to notice what you find and what is unearthed for you. 

What do you open to that allows for deeper reflection and the introspective wonder that will reveal truth?

In a prose meditation you allow your mind to be guided by the words you hear.  Let your mind reveal inspiration and insight through imagery and felt sensations.  Words allow for feelings and impressions to rise up. 

Witness these in simple wonder.  Include everything as a part of your experience.

Your breath will guide you home into yourself.  Just allow this.  You remain the observer to all of your experience.  Settle in.  Close your eyes and find stillness in your posture.

Witness the liberation of what new experience and insight is revealed.  Let’s begin!


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