this is love

~ a wisdom note ~

Write all of the ways that love shows up in your life ~ that it holds you near ~ that you feel bathed in its abundant magnificence.




For love is kindness.

It is the smile and uplifting message you receive from a complete stranger as you are out on a walk.

Love is the care and the support that others give as they show up to do what they do…

Love flows in kind action and the words and messages, direct and subtle ~ spoken and shared deliberately.

Love is the feeling of being right where you need to be ~ of being grateful for who you are and who you continue to become.

Love is the willingness that you hold for your life to unfold in perfect form ~ your mind at ease because your heart rests open and of the light energy that flows through you.

Love is the goodness you are, the positive feelings that fill your being that overflow in buoyancy, joy, light.



I have an experience to share with you. It is truly worth the few minutes you give to it.


Write a list of all of the ways that love shows up in your life: spontaneous, planned, big, and also subtle.


Love is the grace that others bring into your life. Love is how you choose to show up for yourself each and every moment.

There is a great deal that I share on the subject of love and self-love.



This is because to know how to feel love for yourself, to deliberately show up in your life being love by choice ~ are two of the most significantly powerful expressions of living.


You live happiest, you feel deeply, you love completely as you hold presence in each moment and as you show up being your authentic self.


If you begin to think that you can be even more than you are ~ it is because you can.


You will do this because of your desire to lead with your heart ~ to be true to yourself and to feel the significance of what it means to be loving kindness ~ to everyone.


Begin with yourself.


When you name the ways that love shows up for you in perfect, curated, unrelenting moments then you can practice how you will let love in ~ how you will show up equally loving and kind ~ how you will feel the gratitude of all of the ways that love finds you.


Then, with your heart full ~ with feeling the experiences of this energy as you – you become the way in which love shows up for others again and again.


Recognize that you can be the love in your own life and you draw love to you ceaselessly each time you choose so.


The love begins with you.


Your personal challenge for the week ahead is this. Make that list. 

Realize how full your life is with love shared in beautiful ways and then, see how much love you can be for yourself and for others.


This is a challenge that I hope you bring to each day you live.


Sending you great love…

Namaste 🙏



More Love to Appreciate Right Here….