Imagine a world where everyone is manifesting from their heart what is inspiring and exciting.

Imagine a world where abundance, inner peace, calm, loving kindness and ease in all relationships abound.

Imagine that we are sacred, spiritual beings here to experience all of life and to live with joy; to recognize our higher purpose in being of service to others and to live having knowledge of this as we co-create repeatedly all of our dreams and desires.


Program the Subconscious Mind for All Things Desired: A Powerful Bedtime Ritual

Your powerful subconscious is “one million times more powerful” than your conscious mind (Dr. Bruce Lipton of Stanford University).  It holds 95% of your brain power.

This state is where you can deprogram your thought processes of doubt and fear, and where you tap into your authentic and unlimited self without the judgment and criticism of your conscious state interfering.

Your subconscious mind influences and directs everything you say and do that fits a pattern consistent with your self-concept ~ the deepest beliefs you hold about yourself.


Repeating positive affirmations and inspirational quotes are so very effective.  You can actually reprogram your beliefs, your thought patterns and your actions with positive, loving, and success-oriented statements.


By focusing your thoughts on uplifting ideas and inspiration messages, your subconscious mind will begin to implement a positive pattern that influences your way of thinking and your outlook on life.


Listen to this meditation in the last five minutes before closing your eyes to sleep.



Your subconscious mind is most receptive just before falling asleep and upon first waking (when you are still in a sleepy/drowsy state).

What you place into your subconscious mind before sleep is dependent upon what you are thinking just before sleep.


This is an amazing opportunity to reprogram limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits with what you aspire instead.


Each night before you close your eyes to sleep, let this meditation program the new and inspired conscious choices that you begin to make ~ as you directly program of the subconscious mind.


You may repeat these words together with me or simply take them in as you listen.

Each of these phrases intended to reprogram the subconscious are repeated in three rounds.


You may also wish to add your personal words of self-empowerment, healing and love to create messages for your subconscious mind.

Notice how these words become the thoughts and actions of your waking moments.


An Additional Best Practice:

Have your subconscious mind work out answers and solutions whilst you sleep. Write out questions or statements of what you want answers to just before you go to sleep. You can also write the goals and achievements you are looking to accomplish ~ what is a ‘work in progress’.

In the morning upon first waking, when your creative brain is most attuned, after its subconscious workout while you slept, pick up a notebook and find a quiet place where you can do a creative thought ‘download’.

Consider the “requests” you made of your subconscious just before going to bed. 

In the morning, reflect upon the questions and the guidance you asked for.  Begin writing what comes to mind including what information, ideas and answers you are in search of.

This is how your subconscious mind may communicate directly with you to help and guide your life.