Project Description

A Guided Meditation of Love and Present Moment Wonder

I wanted to create a short and simple practice meditation that allowed for imagination ~ for what you may witness of the present moment and the reminder that when we meditate it is about being present to what is ~ to what you notice and take in of your surroundings.

These precious moments lead you into gratitude and wonder ~ and often pure bliss.


When you close your eyes, it could be the sun shining through the treetops (as in my view each morning) or any other scene that you are witness to (in your mind or in your outer environment). The important thing is to take everything in with your senses. (Whether imagination of something remarkable or the simple beauty to be found in your backyard.)

I hope that you find this meditation to be simple and easy to replicate at any time on your own.


The Practice: In this experiential mindfulness meditation, you develop your ability to hold presence; to the simple noticing of life unfolding, moment by moment.

The Simplicity: Perfect for when you recognize a need to hold presence in ‘now’; and to witness the beauty of life all around you.



Click the link to receive my written WISDOM Notes (and a few other important gifts of ‘love’ that I share only via email) in your inbox each week!

+ Would you like to experience a 15 min free discovery session with me? Schedule it here:

MUSIC CREDIT: Eternell, ‘Auryn’



A little more love… A little more wonder…