how will i use this time to change my life for the better? the wisdom podcast season 2 episode 2

How Will I Use This Time to Forever Change My Life For The Better?
Two questions that will inspire change and the freedom of a new life.

The WISDOM podcast  Season 2 Episode 2

with Dorothy Ratusny


Podcast Intro:  0-2:12  |  As Humans, It is Natural for Us to Attempt to Make Sense of Our Experiences and What Happens ‘to us’: 2:16 |  You Need To Decide:  4:33  | This Time is Presenting For Each One of Us:  5:53  |  How to Make Decisions That are Best for You Right Now:  8:22  |  Ask Yourself ‘The Question’:  12:43  |  Every One Of Us is Experiencing This Different and New ‘Time’:  13:47  |  We Are All Being Called to Rise Up:  14:32  |  What Does It Mean to Rebirth:  18:08 |  You Do Not Have to Wait Any Longer:  21:38  |  This Question will Save Your Life:  25:01  |  A Few Further Questions to Contemplate:  29:31  |   Your Personal Question List: 33:16  |  What Do You Want Most For Yourself and Your Life?  39:54  |  A Loving Afterward and My Personal Answers to the Question I Asked:  41:05  |  Podcast Outro: 43:01  


This time is presenting for each one of us; a challenge to live in our truth; to no longer do what we have always done, to continue in what has not served our highest self. For some this means a radical change in how you will think about and live life; and for others it will be more of a fine tuning; of what we have already begun, to ensure that we do not stop, that we follow through; that we fight for – that is we decide and never give up on – what is truly wanted.

In this episode of the wisdom podcast, we dive deep; we do some serious questioning to reveal what is most important for you right now. Because once you have decided what is most important; what you truly want for your life; and for how you want to be in your life; then you can slay it; you can make it happen.

A-HA MOMENTS:  This is the time to release yourself from your perceived limits, accept and embrace the divine mystery of life as you connect through the deeper wisdom of your heart and the infinite knowing within. *

PRACTICAL WISDOM:  As humans it is natural for us to attempt to make sense of our experiences and what happens ‘to us’. Our intellect strives to find logical explanation for all that we encounter. The truth is that life, death, and the divine are larger concepts than we can ultimately comprehend. To experience a prophetic life and the divine, we must use our heart.

TRUTH SERUM: Only the heart has the capacity to witness and feel the monumental truth at the core of all tragedy and beauty because only the heart can experience absolute union with the essence of all things, through being able to directly connect us with the divine. The heart knows and accepts all things as perfect.

This is a time for releasing yourself from what limits you set in your mind. Things may not make sense at this time but that may be because you are looking through a logical filter rather than filtering what you feel and know through your heart. Life, the divine and our own psyches have natural rhythms; it is only in connection to the heart, the gut, and the overall intuitive nature of the body that we make sense of these rhythms and of the overarching (dominating or embracing all else) flow of life.

This episode reminds you that you need to decide; and your decision must be absolute; clear, certain so that you can make what you have decided – your new reality. How you employ the universal law of attraction; how you manifest anything is by first deciding. In this time of uncertainty, confusion, fear, perhaps grief and sadness, stress and anxiety; its time to begin making the decisions that will allow you to rise up; to live the rest of your life empowered, free, and in the full experience of your innate happiness – because you are choosing it.

This time – this moment – right now is the time for you to flip the switch; to step into what your new reality needs to be. It doesn’t mean changing everything; it means deciding what is most important for how you will live the rest of your life. That’s it. Decide it.

Get laser focus clear about what you most want and then you can begin to live this. Most of us get caught up in aiming to figure out all of the steps before we get started; or to contemplate how difficult it might be to carry out a new habit, behaviour or life practice when really change is about decision making.

It’s about deciding what is right and best for you; congruent with the feeling that comes from this certainty and inner knowing that you practice and hone each time you go within for your answers; and then as you follow this inner wisdom; as you see that it always guides you towards what will be your greatest source of happiness; you – living fulfilled and a life of purpose and meaning.

I also want to help you look beyond what is immediately in front of you at this present time; even as you continue to read and educate yourself about this present life situation; as you contemplate your future; and what you will begin to live now.

To make what decisions are best for you right now, you must reach deep into your heart wisdom to acknowledge what you have always known; what you have wanted for yourself and what you need to remember – that you are capable of.

This may mean making a single change to how you approach living your life, that stems from your desire to feel happiness readily; that has nothing to do with what you have or have accomplished but because you are able to tap into your innate happiness – what is always there; what we often layer over with our worrisome thoughts and our focus on a problem rather than a solution; and to be kind, peaceful and loving – easily.

When you live a life that is aligned with your truth; with what is your purpose; and as you choose to live as your highest self in every moment; this liberates you to live by your convictions and what you feel impassioned by.

For example, what you decide may be to live a far simpler life based on what matters most. This time may remind you of how you can simplify how you had been living without sacrificing anything.

I want to encourage you to make peace with your inner knowing; what you know to be true; to no longer ignore this truth, or attempt to distract yourself from it; and to second guess your decisions because of what others may say or do. Use this time to practice living this new way of being that you have decided.

Acknowledge your truth. Be willing to pursue what you know you must do to improve your life; because this is how you will be unstoppable; no longer holding yourself back from living in pure happiness by choice; your heart open and expansive, feeling the joy that is always present in each moment; because you are living in the freedom of what your heart yearns for.

I want you to learn how to trust in your inner wisdom; to be confident in its accuracy and guidance and to practice this; to go within yourself for the answers that you are in search of and then to follow what your intuition and your heart yearn for.

How you become more trusting and confident in knowing what you want and in listening, sensing, receiving this internal guidance is through practice. Practice in asking your heart; your intuitive wisdom for answers and then to remain open to receive this guidance and wisdom in the form that is most accessible to you.

Once you begin deciding what is wanted all that you need to do is step into this. It doesn’t have to be difficult. With a decision that is led by your heart, and that is affirmly wanted and deeply important; you just need to step into it; to embrace it; to live as it. It’s deciding, and then living as this. This is how you make long-standing change, your reality. You first decide and then live the change; supported with the actions and positive mindset; and the perseverance to see this decision through.

Let’s begin.

Ask yourself, “How will I use this time to forever change my life for the better?”  Think about what you must do to have what is wanted. Maybe you have already begun mobilizing yourself; learning something new; finding new ways to thrive in this new life; moving forward on a goal that you have been thinking about for some time or being in appreciation of your life, and all of the goodness in it – right now.

Consider that this time is about awakening; looking at everything with the highest level of honesty and clear mindedness, in seeking truth; and being willing to no longer do what you have always done.

Every one of us is experiencing this different and new ‘time’. This is our collective global experience. Yet, what you choose to do with your life during this time is your individual initiative; it is an example of the perfection of life; and the beauty of having free will choice; to have the experiences and the life that you truly want. What you decide to use this time for and what action you take, will make all of the difference for how you live the rest of your life.

We are all being called to rise up; to overcome fear and challenge; to look within our self for what is needed; so that we may thrive in the experiences of our life, and to choose a path that is both liberating and sustaining. In this time, you can improve your most important relationships, make peace with what you cannot change and find new and better ways to live aligned with what is most wanted for your life.

This is also the time for inner contemplation and self-reflection; and to acknowledge what has not been working, nor serving your highest good. This particular time is like no other; it is a restart; a re-writing of the script that sets into motion what will be better for your new and improved life; and a re-emergence, as you begin to live this now.

Here I’d like you to experience your inner wisdom. I have two questions that as you ask yourself, notice what answers rise up from within you. You may also wish to pause this audio as you write the answers that come directly from your intuitive self.

Here are the first questions: How do I want to emerge after this time; as the world begins again; as it restarts from its pause? As we keep in mind last week’s episode of rebirth and awakening, ask yourself right now, “How can I use this time with the world on pause to rebirth my life?” What answers come to you?

And next to ask, ‘What must I do now that will ensure my future success in what I desire most?


We have all been given an opportunity to rethink our choices and how we have been living up to now; as well as look at the bigger picture; at what we have taken for granted, and what we can be far more appreciative and grateful of.

To rebirth is an opportunity to make different choices; to “gift” yourself with what you may have always wanted to pursue, to have new experiences, to learn something new, to revive and begin again; to seek a resurgence. This time for us all is an opportunity to assess and rethink the path we are on and where we want to go; and to make better the life we are living now as we realize that positive change is what is most needed; it is this change that we are been challenged with that will allow us all to rise up into who we are becoming.

Use your answers from these questions to begin a resurgence (a rising up into life, into new hope and new activity); based on how you want your life to be; because this is possible; this is absolutely within your power; and it is this time right now that will make the difference between how you live when the world is able to resume itself; how you will take this time, this opportunity to re-emerge into what is truly wanted and what will be how you live your ideal life.

Take a moment with me now and close your eyes. Imagine that you had no fear. What is one choice that you would make right now that would support your innermost desire to live happy and free to support and uplift yourself and to do what allows you to feel your inherent joy. This is also what opens you to a purposeful life and one you choose.


Who Am I Becoming? This is the question that I ask of clients who are seeking positive change. This is what I encourage you to ask of yourself; this question marks the journey from where you are to who you will become. This is the movement of free will choice manifesting right before your eyes. Write your list. Who are you becoming? This is the template for who and what you will be now.

Remember that you must decide it first. This time is all about deciding what new beginnings, what rebirth, and what choices will be right for your future. The action will come once you have decided and as you feel excited about your choices; choices made in the absence of fear; and in the beauty of what is most wanted.

Begin this now. You do not have to wait any longer. This is the time to follow a path that is truly best and right for you; to live conscious and awake; to make further decisions that will offer you the life that you want to live and to begin living it now. Begin this. Expect that this positive inertia will challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone. This is no different from an earlier time in your life when you were learning a new skill and needed to work at this; to make an effort, because this is how change and growth can happen.

“This time” whether presently as this episode is released during the COVID-19 pandemic or whenever you happen to listen, “this time” is the time to ask yourself what may I use this time for to change my life for the better?

Sit with this question for awhile; say the words out loud so that you can hear them spoken with your voice. Let the words sink into your being (let the question loom and burrow as you invite your inner voice to provide the answer). Then, witness the answer of your inner wisdom rise up. Take notice. Let this be the way that you check in with your inner knowing; as you begin to go within; to use this source of wisdom for your answers and felt knowing.

All of us have access to our inner wisdom. It is most easily experienced and witnessed when we are of the present moment and open that is – our attention is in the present moment and our mind is open to receiving the innate guiding wisdom of our inner nature rather than being distracted with the excessive and ongoing thoughts of our mind.


Let your answer be an expression of your heart. Feel your answer rise up from within rather then an answer that you deliberate with your analytical mind. Ask the question again; for even greater clarity and insight: How may I use this time, to forever change my life for the better? Be still and quiet as you witness what comes to you. (pause)

This question will save your life. It is a question that will move you from uncertainty, confusion, fear, and into focus on what is needed; what is important; what is a plan and a path for helping you attain what you have wanted. We can have incredible dreams, but until we decide what is definitive; and until we take action towards this; our dreams will likely remain an ideal or desire that is not materialized.


To ask this question of how you will use this time to change your life for the better, mobilizes you into positive action. This is the question that we have been asking as a planet as we enter into this new landscape and new way of living. It is here; it is not enough that we return to what was; we must choose something better; we must live authentic to our highest self; already nudging us with the desires of our heart – ever present and clear.

Your first step is to decide; to use this question; to feel inspired and excited by what you would choose in the absence of fear; and then to make the decision of what is wanted; to decide it with firm resolve; to allow it to be a decision that you will make your reality because to have anything less will not be enough.

With your decision, you can begin to take steps towards this; to free yourself of what has kept you back, kept you hidden, kept you in doubt or fear; as you remember that this is your time; this is what will rebirth your life; and it will be what you need in order to feel whole, complete, fulfilled.

All of us are being challenged right now to look beyond the practical challenges of what we are experiencing and to ask what is this time teaching and revealing to me? What is this time helping me accomplish – of what I have wanted?

If you haven’t already, decide what will be your rebirth; what you need in order to change your life for the better. Deciding is not looking back; it is not being hopeful; it is being certain. Who you are becoming is this future ideal that you decide now.

Everything is worth rethinking at this time. Everything is up for change. Consider what you are learning from what changes you have had to make and what you have experienced as a challenge; and how can you thrive in spite of this? What will you continue to implement in your life after this time that will allow you to feel happier and to more visibly direct the course of your life as how you truly want to live it?

I invite you to contemplate a few further questions next; questions that will help you decide the next steps of your life; to reassess what you want for your immediate future, and to answer for yourself, how you will get there. These are questions of self-empowerment, of inspired consciousness; of truth seeking, of awakening. These questions allow you to define a clear path and to take action now towards what is most wanted.

What is this time revealing for you? What about your life might you be willing to examine? To see what you can do differently; and to improve upon so that you are aligned with your authenticity and your life goals and dreams?

Do you need to become better at being alone with yourself? Are you learning how to enjoy your own company; to have a relationship with yourself in a way that you have never before? Are you returning to a previous practice of meditation and of journal writing; something that you had come away from, but that has always nourished you and allowed you to feel soothed and at peace? Will you make it a new practice to carve out alone time for daily inner reflection and to contemplate your future?

Can you look within yourself more of the time for answers and guiding wisdom rather than externally? Is this time revealing that you may need to become better at choosing and managing your thoughts so that you don’t need to rely on distractions to occupy your mind? Instead, can you choose to live more of the time out of the present moment?

Ask yourself, what are these forced changes allowing me to do that I have not done for myself? How am I being challenged to grow? How can I use this time to practice and be the person I have always wanted; and that I know I am capable of? 

These can be a part of your journal writing as you invest in yourself during this time as you rise up, to live awake and aware; to choose more of everything that is wanted. I encourage you to write your answers. From here, you may decide what steps you will take to do this.

Deciding what is most wanted is a best practice that can become a new way for how you live life. Decide more of what you want and be willing to make this happen.

I will also include in the notes from this episode, a pdf that you can download with all of the questions that I have posed here that you will want to use to have the kind of relationship with yourself that inspires confidence, self-compassion, and conscious truth-seeking; and that propels you towards the life that you were always meant to live.

Here, I share a list of further questions. When you use this question list, ask these questions aloud so that you can hear them spoken in your voice; allow for what impressions and ideas rise up from within you as you answer any or all of these using your intuitive heart wisdom. It can help you to invite the question into your heart center; to hold stillness in your body and mind. Let these questions be witnessed by the energy of your heart; as you allow yourself to sense, feel, hear, and witness each of the answers as they come from your inner being – your highest self.

1. What do I need most right now?
2. How can I give this to myself?
3. What would allow me to feel happiest right now?
4. How can I best do this for myself?
5. What do I want for my immediate future?
6. What am I prepared to do to have this?
7. What steps can I take now, today towards what is most important for my life?

These are only some of the questions that I encourage you (and all of my clients) to delve into during this time. And remember “this time” can also mean time each day that you devote for inner reflection and to assess where you are along your path.

“This time” could be a daily journal writing practice where you carve out some space and time to write, to explore your inner desires and truth because these will not ever dissipate. Your ideals and desires are forever a part of you; they are what your heart yearns for and seeks to fulfill.

Now IS the perfect time to examine where you are headed. To change course as needed; to not fixate on why you need to change your mind or to seek a different outcome; just that you need to do so; and then to be bold; to take a step in the direction of what is most wanted now because each step brings you that much closer; one step means that you have already started; one step is your proof that you are worthy of happiness, love, self-approval, acceptance, as you are becoming the best version of yourself; and living with new desire, new purpose, new hope and belief.


What are you using this time for? This time of being home, of social distancing, of being in isolation or quarantine? Of helping others? Of remaining calm, of seeking accurate information in the outside world, and going within yourself for right guidance on what you need to do; of rethinking your path and your most important goals – for now; for always?


You also want to ask yourself, how will I look upon this time in reflection after it has passed? What will I feel good about and grateful for? What do I hope to accomplish that will nourish and benefit me for the rest of my life? How can I best do this now? How will I use this time to learn, to know myself better, to be even more honest and truthful with myself; to appreciate what I often take for granted; to love deeper; to be more expressive of my appreciation and positive feelings towards another – to speak all of my truth with kindness because with kindness others are more likely to hear my message? – To live with my heart open – to love myself more and to love all of humanity?

This does not have to be a difficult time; it is a time that you may embrace as you challenge yourself to have more discipline, to step up what you have always done and to seek to become your best self; more efficient, more at peace, more self-sustaining, more grateful.

Perhaps you come to face what fears have been held deeply within you. It is a time to ignite your deepest aspirations and desires, your positive attitude, your creativity unleashed, your faith in humankind to do the right thing; and to hold yourself responsible for the change that we as a human race are already in the midst of accomplishing as a whole; for no longer doing what is causing damage and suffering to other living beings, for being far more appreciative of all of the people that make it possible to thrive because of their service and help; for all of the ways that the world has continued to support you with fresh wholesome foods, water, medical service, shelter, – life.

Most of all, it is time to step up your game, to become more; to be determined to transform and evolve because of the challenges that are before you; and to remain grateful as you take this time to instill new positive change that will allow you to rise up and be your most successful, loving presence; because this is how you are awakening to reveal your inner greatness and the life that you were always meant to live.

What do you want most for yourself and your life? Know that you are allowed this. You are able to call it to you as you hold clarity for what is wanted and as you hold peaceful intention together with the actions that you need to take. And one final reminder; to do everything with love. Let your actions come from a place of loving-kindness for this is how they will be felt and received by others so genuinely.

Now is the time – to rethink what you have been doing, or not doing; and to choose what will be your most beautiful and awe-inspired life. – to take action now and to live this, here and now…

And… a loving afterword: My nature is always to help; to listen; to encourage and empower all of the people that come to me for help. I am not as good at sharing of myself, but I do wish to offer you my answers for the first big question I asked of you because most of all everything that I share and ask of you I do (or have done) myself.

How will I use this time to forever change my life for the better?
My three answers… are this: 1. I will live from my heart because this is what feels most incredible; and it is also when I may be most creative, kind and self-nourishing. 2. I will love without conditions all beings; something that continues for me to be a work in progress and what I am very committed to. And 3. I will be resilient in creating with love and confidence because this is what i do. This is what i am.

How will you use this time to forever change your life for the better? What are your answers? I invite you to share one or all of your answers to this question – with me. You may send them directly to me at: I look forward to hearing what this time will bring for you.

Namaste! xo

love, dorothy


For a list of the questions that I have posed in this episode, please download this pdf.  Answering these questions will help you to have the kind of relationship with yourself that inspires confidence, self-compassion, and conscious truth-seeking; and that propels you towards the life that you were always meant to live.


*If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me.  You can find me at:


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Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell

Accompanying Music: Eternell. ‘Dawn’, ‘Surface of a Stream’, ‘Planes’

A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, Pavel Kirpikau for your incredible help!

In this episode, I wish to reference beautiful words to help express a message that is so important.  In the opening lines of this episode, I gratefully draw upon some of the beautiful messages and teachings that have been written by Carisa Mellado of Blue Angel Publishing.  Thank you Carisa for your inspiring words; of filtering our thoughts and the limits we may hold, and instead to connect with the deeper wisdom of our heart.  Namaste! xo