the wisdom podcast s2e1 A Time of Rebirth and Awakening; of Love and Humanity and of the Earth.

A Time of Rebirth and Awakening; of Love and Humanity and of the Earth

The WISDOM podcast  Season 2  Episode 1

with Dorothy Ratusny


Podcast Intro:  0-2:09  |  Welcome and Intro to this Episode: 2:13 |  Questions to Guide You In Visualization of Your Rebirth and Awakening: 5:38  | How Do You Live Awake in This Rebirth of Your Life?  16:29  |  Podcast Outro:  28:57 


In this first episode of a brand new season, I have something special to share with you.  As we are in a time in which the world is continuing to pause, to take a step or two back and to hold our breath as we anticipate the future, now is the perfect time to consider that we are living in a time of spiritual awakening. For this we must look within for our ‘right’ knowing; to remember how our individual actions affect each another and the planet; and to honour and respect all living beings as we live in peace.

This episode offers a guided journey; one that invites you to open your mind and heart; to witness your inner wisdom and to ask the questions of yourself; of how you may ‘rebirth‘ into this new life we are being called to live.

As you listen, you may wish to make notes as you answer the questions, and as you witness the presence of your highest self in communication with you.

TRUTH SERUM:  This future; the future of your heart and your instinctive yearning to create; to pursue your interests and to live of these; to forge a path; to no longer wait; to begin now; and to believe in your self.  All of these require a vision and a willingness to live true to yourself.  

A-HA MOMENTS:  You have been given a time of rebirth, a restart, a return to what is infinitely important.  An awakening is what you open yourself unto.  It is a re-examination of how you have been thinking and living up until now, and the permission to step into a new way of being; leading with your heart.

PRACTICAL WISDOM:  We lead with a guided visualization to open your mind and heart.  Let this be the path for you to rebirth yourself; to continue to awaken, and to be of love, compassion, and kindness unto yourself, others, and all of humanity.  Use this practice often; as a meditation, and guided visualization, that prompts you to answer the questions that will allow your inner voice to rise up and assist you.

In this episode, I guide you through the progressive steps of bringing your consciousness to life; with questions that will open your mind and heart towards what is most wanted.  I want you to feel the confidence of what is possible as you then take each step.  I hope that you will return to this practice daily as it becomes a tool for visioning your future; your choices, and the means by which you will rebirth yourself and awaken. 


For a time with me, close your eyes.  Dare to delve inward.  Your mind quiet, you choosing to be this beautiful force of life; this force of humanity; this ever beautiful energy that you are.  Imagine for the next few moments: what does a rebirth look like in your life?  Allow your mind and body to gather and bring to you all of the images the impressions of this so beautifully.  What does it feel like to hold these ideas, their presence, rising up from our being?  What is one thing that you can rebirth into right now?

Is it a new healthy habit that perhaps you’ve been contemplating for a time?  How would it look and feel for you if you magically re-birthed into it with great ease and enjoyment; and it became a new and wonderful aspect of your daily life?

What if you rebirthed into a new relationship?  One of unequivocal love, tenderness, desire, playfulness, laugter, passion, comfort?  What would this look like to have in your life?  What if you rebirthed your career or how you did what you do each day?  Would you work from home?  Would you change how you worked?  What would be the most satisfying part of your work …in a rebirth?  Would you be even more grateful for what changes you make or how you see your value and importance; and in what you offer to others?


What part of your life needs a rebirth?  Could you step into this?  Could you invite this into your life with ease and desire? – and to also be patient as it unfolds for you?

Next, with your eyes still closed, what have you awakened to? How do you live awake now that is different from before (the onset of this virus)?  Are you able to appreciate everything with loving eyes?  Do you hold greater awareness of what is important, meaningful, even sacred?  How do you live awake in this rebirth of your life?  Where do you live awake?  What do you notice and appreciate?


To live awake is to live with eyes wide open; to see everything with clarity and truth; without labels, fear, insecurity or doubt.  To live awake is to witness everything with consciousness and the ability to act on this in real time.

What do you live awakened to now?  How is this far better for you, and your loved ones?

How can you rebirth your love of humanity and the earth?  How can you love all of humanity as precious, enduring and beautiful?  How can you witness the good in all things?  Where do you find goodness in others, in the planet, and in yourself?


You have been given a time of rebirth, a restart, a return to what is infinitely important.  An awakening is what you open yourself unto.  It is a re-examination of how you have been thinking and living up until now, and the permission to step into a new way of being; leading with your heart.


Allow this in.  In a single solitude breath; breathe into it and then release.  Surrender what has held you back, has kept you hidden, afraid, immobile and release this breath as you embrace this rebirth; of one thing, of many – surrender any resistance and fear; let this fall to the earth – you step forward into the ever present light – the dawn, the revelation of this new time and space; this ever present wisdom you awaken to that has always been here with you.  Now you are awake to it.  You enjoy it as guiding calm, truth, presence and you allow your wisdom ever present to guide you as you step into this new life.  You only have to choose this.  “I choose it.  I choose it.  I choose rebirth, awake, and of love.”

Namaste! xo


love and relationships,couples therapy sessions , worksheets and therapy tools

If you have chosen to embrace this time, to rebirth your life, to set in place new beginnings and to live awakened and if you would like my guidance and help in support of all that you are doing, please reach out to me.  You can best find me at

If you would like a list of the questions that I ask in this episode, to guide your journey of awakening, please find the link to the pdf here. Please have a look at the other resources below for additional guided practices, specific meditations and further audio recordings of love (and rebirth) ….from me to you. Namaste!


*Additional Resources for Awakening and Rebirth (From Me to You ?)


Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell

Accompanying Music: Eternell. From the Album ‘Gray Havens’: Ocean Waves

A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, Pavel Kirpikau for your incredible help!