When listening truly occurs, you are present, your heart open to feeling the experience ~ to being attentive to what is being conveyed beyond the words that are spoken. 

Listening requires ultimate presence. 


You cannot be thinking of what you will say next or what point you need to make; rather you are immersed in the experience ~ captive audience, attentive, listening with your heart ~ not your head, as you allow the words to touch you to move you.


You remain motionless – still – all that you are aware of is your presence – you are in this moment participating in the experience that is led by another’s sharing of their story.


You attend to what is being spoken with vivid interest. 

You allow for your instinct to drive the questions that you will ask in the pause that occurs once another has finished speaking. 


There is no competition for dialogue – you are the listener. 

Each question or comment that is spoken by you, is followed by a silence – an attending; a partaking in the exchange simply by your willingness to hear – to understand – to be a willing participant to validate the speaker’s experience. 

You have no agenda, no job except to hear ~ to listen, to hold the space for the sharing ~ to create the ultimate intimacy that happens when one is fully present.

Listening is a valuable way of connecting ~ of offering patience, of being respectful and neutral.  There is nothing to do except be fully present. 

Your intuitive nature will guide you to what questions to ask next, as you return to a place of quiet attention ~ fully focused.

As you listen, you do not have to solve or fix anything.  You simply need to allow for the revealing, the spoken word ~ and the sharing of one’s innermost ideas and thoughts and then to see what happens next.


The beauty of listening is in the shared experience ~ the hearing of another’s story, their innermost thoughts spoken aloud and the revealing of their most sacred truths that you are being witness to. 


Listening is far more than a simple communication ~ it is the way in which we experience understanding and the intimate knowing of another’s truth. 

When truth is spoken it will not sound like an excuse or avoidance ~ it will be the honest admittance that reveals so much. 


Learn to be present in the simple exchanges of communication with another and you will have mastered one of the most important and beautiful ways in which you can relate to another being ~ some of which will be nonverbal; your attentive presence alone will symbolize the importance you hold for another.

the wisdom blog: personal mastery

In seeking to make your exchanges with others more intimate, more meaningful, more loving ~ begin with presence. 

Be attentive to and focused on your listening. 

Let it be the only thing that you do in that moment. 


Allow yourself the benefit of the full presence of what you are witness to without distraction.  Soak it up. 

Notice how your experience is enriched and far more personal.


Feel the connection of energy that is between you and another because of your attention ~ your direct effort to be a part of this experience and exchange as it unfolds before you.


We can cultivate beautiful and rich experiences with our loved ones and then see how perfectly easy it is to carry this over to our casual exchanges with all others. 


You can easily negate the possibility for connection and closeness with someone who is in front of you for only a few moments or you can be present, kind, and willing to listen attentively.

You can give someone a platform to be their beautiful, authentic self – and in doing so – you validate their existence. 


This is the power of listening ~ of presence ~ of being.

And something that you can do to validate your own experiences…


You can listen more attentively to your thoughts. 

You can allow yourself the simple pleasure of following the daydream like impressions that spontaneously arise, and then flow onward – making room for new impressions to be front and centre. 


It’s like meditation, only with the added luxury of being able to follow your thoughts as they leap about from one to another as you simply remain attentive. 


It’s a great exercise in observing the workings of your mind – taking in the impromptu ideas, inspirations, impressions and insights that are worth noting. 

Just observe for a while – taking in everything –  see what you discover about yourself.


the wisdom blog: the authentic self

Let listening be one of your sacred graces; your spiritual gifts that you bestow to others and yourself ~ with full intention.  Revel in the beauty of what you discover.



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