The New Protocol For Goal Achievement

“The art of setting and achieving goals is what compels us to become more; to change in the ways that reveal all of our true potential.” – dorothy ratusny


In my weekly WISDOM love notes back in January, I spoke of goals.  Typically a new calendar year is one opportunity to assess what more you seek and to set goals for a new year in your life.

If you have been working with me during this time, undoubtedly we have set goals based on your ambitions …for what you will accomplish and achieve on your path of excellence and the desire you hold for all that is possible.

Here I’d like to share the ~wisdom~ of a new protocol for what makes a goal achievable.  It is the one certainty that immediately brings change and well being.

The achievement of a goal is first a decision and a conscious choice. 

Your desired outcome must be the only possibility and the only solution.

“Goals are the inner desires and yearnings of your heart that when aligned with the conscious mind and the soul, become the unstoppable force that propels you into your greatness ~ already awaiting.”  – dorothy ratusny



A goal is a decision not only of the mind.  It must engage the heart and the true essence of what you are ~ as your soul consciousness.


The ~ mind-body-and-soul ~ need to be aligned for you to succeed.  The secret for you – for anyone – is how you will accomplish this.


Whenever you are in motion, working to complete a goal ~ enlist the trilogy of your mind, body and soul.  Let all be aligned in support of you. 


How do you do this?

First, think about a goal that you have already accomplished.  For a moment consider the alignment that you experienced throughout your whole being to achieve this goal. 

The qualities of perseverance, dedication, motivation – all necessary – were the consistent measures of your heart – on a path to completion of what was most desired.


Would you have needed to overcome any challenges or obstacles?  Quite possibly. 

The tools of perseverance, dedication and resolve will always compel your forward, rising above what challenges you face.

The question is how did you align yourself to achieve your goal ~ and deep heartfelt desire?


How did you make it possible to complete this goal when there are other goals that you continue to struggle with?

Goal setting is first about aligning yourself with the desired outcome ~ making it possible only to succeed. (Download the Goal Setting PDF Worksheet here)


What fine adjustments and changes to your current habits and routine will help you with the success you seek?


It’s often the micro adjustments that make all of the difference.  This includes the way in which you think about your goals, namely – why they are important – and what is the desired outcome?


The mind directs the body.

Visualization is a skill set that helps you build motivation and maintain dedication to the changes that you are mastering. 

This is how you enlist the body and the mind in alignment.


How do you engage the soul? 

The soul consciousness ~the energy blueprint of what you are~ guides and directs the action that you need. 

It is often the soul inspiration that breathes life into the choices and decisions that you make.  The body and mind carry out the inspiration ~ the need ~ the desire.

This happens when you make your actions aligned with inspired consciousness.

As I leave these wisdom notes for you to contemplate this week, here are a few tips to help you continue to build the certainty of what you desire and as you make micro adjustments to align mind, body, and soul ~ to be the protocol for the successful completion of your goals.


1. Discipline as a mental focus. Discipline is a mind construct. 

Once you have made a decision that originates as a deep knowing ~ of your heart and your soul, how can you build discipline as a mental construct that serves your goal to completion?


2. Self-care and rest for the body so that it supports you in all that you do.


3. Meditation, prayer, and introspection.  All provide an inward dwelling focus to honor the path of the soul. 


Questions for reflection and introspection that you may want to continue to focus upon as you build your momentum include:

Why is this goal important to me?

How am I standing in my own way?

What can make it easier for my mind and body to follow this path that I am already on?

Can I allow the soul to guide me ~ to lead my actions?

Let these best practices as protocol fuel your action.



Let’s look at one goal that you may have: Health

True health exists when the mind, body, and soul exist in a balanced state of harmony.

When one aspect of health becomes imbalanced, it affects all of the other aspects of health.  For example, when the mind becomes stressed, strained, or overworked, your body reacts immediately.  You may experience digestive problems, sleep difficulties, headaches, or other symptoms.  Similarly, when the body is in pain, congested, or restricted, you may feel discomfort, agitation, stress, or sadness.


To live in true health, you must look at every aspect of your life to live in balance.

A healthy, balanced diet, exercise, water, nutritional supplements, balanced with play, rest, sleep, all assist the body in remaining fit, healthy, strong, alert, and relaxed.  This helps the mind to focus and the soul to feel alive and free.


Likewise, meditation, study, and creativity can help keep the mind centered and stimulated, allowing the body to experience more life and energy.  When you connect with your soul and to being part of something bigger than what you are, it gives the mind perspective and allows your body to feel strong and centered.

If you have been experiencing illness or disharmony of any kind, it is a good time to tune into your body, mind, emotions, and soul to find the root cause.  This is so that you can then take the action needed to release and heal the problem.  Bring your life and health into balance.


*this practical example inspired by



~Go deeper within to mobilize the soul; to allow it to drive more of your conscious decisions and the actions you take to see these through.~


You have free will choice. 

Yet you must use free will in alignment with the soul’s desire towards everything that is wanted.

Your accomplished goals are the result of a desire far more than the absence of something.



Let me know in the comments what one element: body, mind, or soul do you need to step into alignment with to make your goal a reality. 

If you would like my help with this, please reach out to me.  We can work on this further together.  namaste!

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