Project Description

‘I AM’ Mantras can form what becomes a meditative experience.

Listen here as I guide you through this beautiful collection of ‘I AM’ mantras to inspire your dedication into what becomes your sacred life.  namaste



the script ~

I hear my life. It’s beyond these walls. It’s here and its simultaneously on the other side. My life and what I live fills the space of worlds. Everything is right here. Everything awaits my truth, my love.


My life is the certain blissful moments lived one and the next. In the presence of gratitude I live empowered.

I am able to feel my heart. It swells in anticipation of goodness. All that I am all that I seek is the very highest offering of good ~ of truth ~ of wisdom.


I AM right here. Where I need to be. Here in the careful nature of my soul – my light expresses itself for all to witness.

I AM the abundance of kindness and liberation and truth – for all that I witness is the perfect manifesting of my soul to light – to be in the perfect grace of what I am and to live masterfully as I choose. All of this is for great love and wisdom.


All of it is to reach the true and deepest yearnings of life before me. I surrender. I walk into this as my fullest expression of love as my perfect joy ~ as the true blessings that I live now and forever and in these perfect moments.

I AM the catalyst for change. I AM the seeker of truth.


I live in the world between worlds. I live out of the goodness of my heart expansive beyond measure.


I live of the certainty of my soul guiding me in flight. My soul carries me home. First to all of the greatest adventures I could ever imagine within and beyond.

I exist in the perfect inner dwelling space of love that is for me the most remarkable. I live in the sacred experiences of my heart, open to love ~ open to the love that follows me ~ that grows from everything I touch ~ from everything that I know is all for my truest potential.


This is all meant for me. I only need to live of my highest set of morals to know that I already have all of the goodness that I could ever want. My love is the grace of the divine.

My life is the sacred wonder of my heart open to its purest witnessing of the divine in all moments.

I AM the infinite. I AM the light of the world. I AM love eternal. Namaste


More Mantra Love here….