Finding JOY – A ‘Prose’ Meditation | The Wisdom Archives | #003

The experience of JOY is your authentic and natural state.  Joy is the innate expression of your soul.  Joy is the blissful happiness that you feel as oneness with your inner being – your soul consciousness.

Sometimes it is buried beneath many layers.  Mostly these are layers of thought energy and the physical sensations that keep you far away from experiencing the joy of your true nature.

Bring awareness to your authentic self. One simple way to do this is by taking several conscious breaths, returning your attention to the present moment.

What is the emotion you feel when you are simply being; as you are breathing in the present moment?

In your natural state – uninterrupted by prevalent thoughts or distracted by whatever is going on around you – you exist.  To exist in the present moment is how you find joy – it is how you feel joy.

/// Music Credit: Purl – Violante (Lost In a Dream), Skäralid & New Horizons