your-life-and-how-you-live-begins-now---the-wisdom-podcast-s2e8-with dorothy ratusny (image of flowers and words being typed)



Your Life and How You Live Begins Now

The WISDOM podcast  Season 2  Episode 8

with Dorothy Ratusny



Podcast Intro:  0-2:10  |  An Introduction to this Episode: 2:13 |  Part One: 11:56  | Part Two:  20:58  |  Podcast Outro:  27:56 


In the recent weeks and months we have witnessed much political up-cries as our leaders are being asked – demanded – that they consider how policies and political influence needs to stand for what matters; that they need to think far into the future. It is not only the economy that needs an uplift but perhaps more so, it is how we think. We must open our minds to what needs to change is at the forefront of everything.

Gravely the violence, the prejudice, the racism, the fear and the lack of knowledge that we have witnessed is but a microcosm of what needs to change; of what is changing.  Our lives stand for something; they matter.  They inspire and drive conviction; to be a never-ending voice that teaches our children; that retrains our way of thinking and the beliefs that we hold so that we may all live in light; no longer in the darkness that has shrouded our minds for so long.


As each human being takes responsibility for their personal growth; for no longer finding reason to do what they have always done, what was perhaps taught to them, what no longer serves their highest good; we find ways to live in harmony, in peace, and in the fair trading and commerce of goods that we may all benefit from.

It is this time that we as individuals must stand for what is right by example; by looking first within our self to see what bias, prejudices, racism, intolerance we have learned and continued.  When we begin with ourselves, we make the change that is most needed; what we stand for becomes a clear message of hope and  peace that others may also live by.  this is the new code that will champion all living beings and that will teach us that there is no separation; that we must live and breathe fairness, equality and loving kindness.  This is what is being demanded of us in light o what we have seen, what has fallen between the cracks for so long; what needs our attention now.

Democracy and justice are words: we must live this as an example of character if we are to live a life that is of distinct and beautiful meaning.

Your heart becomes the mechanism of truth if you allow it.  You know right from wrong.  For whatever you may have been shown or taught, your inner wisdom, your light is the ultimate source of truth; of what may guide you to all decisions that become your power.

Find your way back into yourself and into the peace of this light shining within you (as your soul consciousness) and you will ever so distinctly and simultaneously find your source of infinite power; for love and power are one and the same.  When we recognize this, we may feel deep comfort in its perfect wisdom.

Life as we know it is about to change again; it is about to become second nature to what we were born to be; that is free, liberated of our soul and our mind; to live in harmony with each other and the planet; to find sustainable ways to be whole – as a planet, as a nation, as a community – as an individual.

Wholeness does not mean the having of everything that is wanted.  Wholeness is a return to what we have always been as source, as universal conscious, as our soul consciousness; pure, sacred, intelligent; capable of making the right and best choices deliberately that will ensure our success and happiness.

Success as being the greatest, most loving version of our self; and this is not possible without living as our heart wide open to love and to be love in all moments.  This is how we thrive; how we reclaim our governance for living ethical; for rendering our lives in the brilliant nature of what we all are; and of teaching our children how to love one another as we practice this first in front of them; as we teach by example and illuminate the power of kindness, compassion, honesty, and truth.


We are all being called to awaken; to wake up to our lives; to be discerning; to understand our significance and to know our ability to impact positively because we already influence each other; our words impact the lives of our children and each living being.

This is a time in which we must look deep within; we must trust our intuitive wisdom, to do the right thing even when this may not always be the easiest choice.  In this week’s episode, I share with you two parts; the first – a reminder – a gentle nudging of how your life begins with your call to action; to hold meaning and significance; to realize that you are more than capable of having what you want; of going within to reconnect with the deepest part of you that has been silenced for too long; that must emerge for you to manifest the wisdom of what you are.

And in part two, your life waiting to be lived is a reminder to step up to no longer allow yourself to do what has been easy, to recognize what hasn’t been working and to give yourself permission to seek and be more; more love, more compassion, more kindness, more honesty and integrity for how you live your life; more inner peace as you find comfort by your willingness to go within for your answers and truth; and to remember that everything that you have ever wanted has always begun with a step; a step you have taken towards this… a step that you need to take now to begin this; to live the life that is waiting for you and that you are waiting for.  Be this best possible wholeness that is your authentic nature.  Be this now.  Namaste.


Your life and how you live begins now. (Part One)

Now in your life at this time there needs to be faith; faith in yourself for stepping into this brave new life that you are being called to live; faith in one another that you will constantly and with every conscious choice lead a life of the highest integrity and honour. This life, this brave new world that you are navigating and as you step into what is before you now will be something monumental, for living of your highest good and in a way that is sacred to your truth. You must first however, decide this. You must choose a life of honour and meaning and to live of the highest integrity (and moral code).

Now and in this new life, we are all being called to live with purpose; to hold meaning and hope for ourselves and for those we love (most). We are also being called to rise up as a global community to see our commonalities; to honour our differences, and to live in peace. This is a choice and one that we have been encouraged to live.

There is the importance of making a new normal; a new way of living that can only come out of a rebirth; a reexamination of what has not been working; of what has caused sadness and despair.

There has not been another time in which to reassess our lives as there is right now. Take this time as an opportunity and as a necessity to consider how you truly want to live and the person that you are becoming.

Everything now is a part of a larger scale means of gathering accurate information, of acting with kindness, and of awakening – of living awake in your life; of choosing what will be next – that arises out of a deliberate will to follow a path that holds significance and meaning; and that allows you to be of service in a way that you determine and in a way that reclaims your true power; as you live authentic and honest, and with loving kindness to all living beings and to the planet.

This is our global awakening; this is our new world. This is your opportunity, your time, your free will that will choose what will be. When you feel uncertain; and there is much that is still unknown, remember to decide what is in your power to choose; to reclaim, to live awake, because in this time everything that you have ever wanted and desired now is before you. It is of your choosing.

Only you can choose this.

You are not alone, everyone has their own path to walk forward in. The life that you once lived is forever changed. You embrace the present. You may witness all of the moments of your life as you look forward and feel grateful of these many joys that are possible because you choose this. Everything becomes significant. Everything becomes a possibility and something worth asking for. Your life and what you live begins now. Choose your life. Live in peace. Begin this now. 

You must be willing to see it as so. Be witness to new life before you, growth, change, abundance, simplicity of life always in motion and before you. You have this time now to begin living differently based on what is most wanted.

Begin by connecting with yourself – of carving out quiet moments in which you are able to hear your inner ‘true’ voice. The voice of your highest self. As you turn inward; as you take conscious deep breaths; and as you hold presence in these moments. Ask this consciousness: ‘What do I desire most right now?’ ‘What do I need ‘of this day?’

Begin with choosing one thing each day that is within your power. For example, to feel calm, to experience a mutually and heartfelt connection with a loved one, because of your willingness to share openly and with kindness and love.

You can choose something to manifest today asking this of your mind or you can ask a question of your inner wisdom and be attentive as the answer rises up from within. This is how you practice going within for your answers. This becomes your portal to having divine spiritual wisdom; of knowing what you cannot ‘know’ with your analytical mind; of holding presence to this unspoken truth rising up from within you.

Your inner wisdom and the voice of your truth is distinct from that of your mind. Learning to discern between both voices or impressions takes practice, however it is most rewarding as you come to experience your innate wonder as divine wisdom.

Knowledge is truth. Of this sacred oneness is divine wisdom. There is a part of each one of us that which is infinite consciousness; source energy. As you witness this eternal part of you and as you begin to acknowledge its presence, you are reminded that you are never alone. You have the ability to access this inner wisdom, this guiding presence of what you are fundamentally as energy and more specifically – the energy of love.

By choosing one thing each day that is within your power to do so, to feel, to be; you are practising for yourself this inherent freedom of choice. Make choices that are bold, respectful of your needs and your boundaries for ushering self-care and self-love.

Make choices that will allow you to live with your heart wide open; to be vulnerable in honesty, to be friendly and kind; to be hopeful, to choose one thing each day that moves you in the direction of what is most wanted; that rises up from within you happiness and peace; joy in the witnessing of life’s perfect moments; all of which are teaching you how to live with compassion; how to see the good in others and in yourself and to focus on what is good in order to cultivate the kind relationships you want to have.

And above all else, choose to live happy; choose to respect and honour all living beings; choose to hold gratitude for you are here now and for this brief moment in time. Your life and what you live begins now.


This is your life waiting to be lived.  (Part Two)

What is showing up in your life right now is a challenge for you to examine an aspect or several aspects of your life that need your attention; that is nudging you to change; to be responsive; to what you need to do for yourself.

Are you being called to examine your temperament, your anger, your patience, your need to avoid being alone with yourself, your insecurities, your worth?

What situations continue to show up in your life almost like clock work; like they are circling – that you might take notice; to move into this light – to be reassured that this situation or challenge or conflict is really more than what you see; this is about resolution; it is about finally having the life that you want.

It is about using this time in your life for great things; its about recognizing the fragile nature of life that we all have taken for granted.

It’s about choosing differently; choosing what is completely right for you without concessions. This is how you may make peace with what ‘is’; with your choices, with all of the ways that you rise up to exist in the world. This is the way that life finds you; opens you to something more, something better.

If you are not taking the opportunities right now to live in the way that you have always wanted, then what does this mean? What is next? What is the path that you will be on if not your own and one that you choose deliberately and with your highest ideals for good?

This life is the only one. Make it exceptional. If this time we are all living in has taught us something, it is that life is precious; waiting for that perfect relationship; that right job; that best physique; that great anything is not what makes life incredible.

What makes life incredible is what you do to make life for you and others, incredible; what you do comes directly out of your thoughts and all of the inner impressions and ideals that you hold. What are these? These are mental vibrations; – and the way that you manifest in each moment.

You have this time right now to witness your life; to decide what is already remarkable and what you will make better. You only have this time. There is nothing that you may wish to do that could be more successful, more deliberate, more advantageous for you then to break free of what inner restrictions you have lived by; that you have lived as your outward reality and surrender these.

Start now. Begin to tell yourself what is wanted. Use the sentence stem, “I AM” to remind yourself of what is possible; what you can accomplish now in your life the moment that you choose it.

For whatever you are being called to look at, to reexamine, to do differently from the deepest place within you; the voice of your inner being – listen; pay attention – seek out this desire, this dream, this different version of who you are and who you are becoming; as this is your certain truth; it is waiting for you; it is your destiny – but you must choose it.

For all of the situations, the challenges, the obstacles that you see before you; now choose to focus on what is truly wanted. What will bring you the greatest source of happiness and joy – that rises up from within because this is your truth. This is what you have always wanted. This is your life waiting to be lived.

Decide what is needed. Decide what you must do and make this happen. Live your life now as you want it to be – as much as possible; as close to this ideal as possible. There is no other possibility for this except to continue what you have already been doing. This may not be entirely the best solution. But you decide.

If you tell yourself that you do not know how this can or will happen; this positive change that you are seeking, please remember to focus on what you are willing to do towards this. Each single step; one then the next. This was how Rome and every other ancient city was built; how every seed becomes the crops grown and the food that we eat.

Planted one step, one action at a time, with much care and nurturing and with an expectation – a belief – a vision of what is wanted and desired and the willingness to see it through. This is how it will happen for you.

I imagine that it will be incredible; if you begin it – now. Namaste!


*If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me.  You can find me at:



*If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me.  You can find me at:


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Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell

Accompanying Music: Eternell ‘Melting While Falling’ and ‘Home’

A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, Pavel Kirpikau for your incredible help!