“You Are Forgiven”

The WISDOM podcast  Season 2  Episode 27

with Dorothy Ratusny


These are the words spoken to offer you a clean slate; to remind you that for anything that you have ever said or done, for whatever has happened, for anything that you continue to blame yourself for – that you are forgiven.

What if this were possible?

Would it change how you feel about yourself?

Would you be able to let go of; to shed some or perhaps all of what has caused you to feel guilty, alone, sad, sorrowful; remorse or regret?

Can complete forgiveness directed towards yourself for every unkind or hurtful word or action, for every envious, angry, critical thought that you’ve held; be a positive step – or even the solution to break free of what holds you back?

I recently tried this experience for myself as an experiment to witness what rises up immediately to the notion that I am forgiven; that complete forgiveness is possible. It is entirely feasible and in fact it is a long awaited secret to healing yourself and feeling whole.

This is what we all intrinsically seek. We all want to feel whole and this is why we go in search of it; whether consciously or subconsciously.

Like so much of what we tell ourselves, whether we carry the past throughout our life, or if we choose to be free; to place it down; to step past it; to release the past willingly, all comes out of what we choose and much of what we choose is learned.  It is what we have been taught.

Know that each time you think about a past instance of what you have said or done that you are not proud or happy about, you re-live what you have already experienced.

It is the same roller coaster effect of emotionally-laden baggage weighing you down; dismantling your self-conviction; your self-love, and your ability to think positively and yes, remarkably of yourself.


Consider something radical, something that you’ve not done before; forgive yourself completely each and every morning as you begin your day and any time that you say or think of something that you would otherwise be self critical for; that you could do better; that you did wrong.

Instead, bring this into presence.

Ask yourself, “What could I and would I do differently now?”

Let the past teach you without shame. Hold presence unto what new thought, action, words, you would express and live this instead.

Use the words, “I forgive you” to release what limiting thoughts you hold about yourself and what holds you back and what keeps you in a cycle of criticism and self-loathing.  This is how you start over.


Each time you do this, you not only break an unhealthy pattern that you may end up trying to avoid or ignore, but you have now the freedom to step forward in this new activity or thought paradigm that fuels you towards your infinite greatness.

Without complete forgiveness, each time you think about what you have done that is not a true expression of who you are, you instead are left with blame, guilt, self-criticism, and self-loathing. These self-deprecating emotions are the result of what you tell yourself and believe and not necessarily what is true or accurate.

Most of us, rather than allow forgiveness, attempt to not think about or even block memories that are the reminder of our mistakes and what we feel ashamed of.

A much healthier and liberating choice is to forgive our self; to wipe the slate clean, much like each night when you go to sleep and then awaken; you have a brand new day to experience; you can bring the past with you into this new day and allow it to immediately weigh you down; or you can choose to live this day fully and in the knowledge that it will be better; it will be the learned outpouring of your heart full to live your very best – in this moment; in each moment – here and now.

Forgiveness is the antidote to suffering. It is the healing wonder of your heart subject to your approval and to what you may foster each time you recognize that the ‘what’ you are holding onto of the past is limiting your potential for feeling happiness in the present and future.

When you choose what you are willing to forgive, it means that you are ready to give yourself permission to let go of what you have held onto perhaps for too long.


The liberty of the present moment is this. You can choose precisely what you forgive yourself for. I work with so m any clients on self-forgiveness; and to help them begin this healing process, I encourage that they choose only what they are ready to forgive.

This makes it so much easier and possible, reasonable and timely and they begin to see firsthand how self-forgiveness is a powerful tool to feel relief, healed, and liberated.

Most of us do not allow ourselves to jump into complete forgiveness; which is why this novel idea of being granted full and complete forgiveness for whatever you have said or done; for how you used to be; for the mistakes and hurts that are in the past, that do not need to continue to haunt you is emotionally and psychologically freeing.  It is what allows you to focus on the present moment and being your very best self.

The result is a freedom that is experienced to have the kind of relationship with yourself and with others; that is most wanted. It means that you learn the true meaning of acceptance; of how important it is to release your own suffering for whatever you have done or think you have done to hurt or harm another (that has no place in the present).

Self-forgiveness is the quickest route to inner peace and the feelings of harmony and self-love.

Think of how you felt as a child when you did something to hurt another and they said, “I forgive you.” What relief, peace and empowerment did you feel as the weight of sadness and remorse for causing another to suffer was freed?


This is what I am asking you to consider for the week ahead; and for the rest of your life.

What if you gave yourself permission to be forgiven?

For whatever your religious or spiritual beliefs may be; the highest and most honorable source of love that we could offer our self is to be forgiven.

Love of self must include self-forgiveness.


To be clear, self-forgiveness is not permission to forget but to learn; so that you are not repeating actions that cause damage and harm.


Complete forgiveness is acceptance. It is your ability to acknowledge what has already happened and is unchangeable.

Forgiveness stands upon the willing nature to allow life to support you; to rise up to it; to see it as your fundamental privilege to clean the slate; and to allow yourself to shed unhealthy feelings that circumvent your ability to hold self-love.


And so I leave you with these new thought ideas and what may seem like a radical and bold decision; that even you may still wonder; is it really possible to do this?

Just like you forgive a child, your partner, a friend, your parent; do this for yourself.

I also have one more offering of love to share with you. Think of it as a ‘love note’ of forgiveness that you may wish to hear as your own. Note what impressions rise up for you as you listen; as you take in my words, as you make this letter your own.


Listen and Download your Love Note here:


“I forgive you. I surrender to the perfection of who I am. I am sacred. I am honorable. I am love. When I reveal this; when I live this, I feel hopeful and inspired; able to be all of who I truly am; able to live as my authentic self – my highest self.

I can forgive all of my human errors. I am an ever-evolving, ever perfect witness to my life and what makes me unique; what allows me to better myself and to observe how I may choose to live more of my highest ideals and in the promise of life ever-flowing, ever perfect, ever real.

I am witness to all that is good; to all that I aspire to be. My love note to myself is to remember – to be reminded that I am forgiven; that I am loved; that I may live most honorably and truthfully to myself first because this is how I honor who I am and the path of love and inspiration that I seek to journey.

The path of my heart brings me here into the perfect wonder of who I am. I can forgive what I have done, and that which has not been of my highest calling. I can witness my light shining brightly. This is what I live as now. I am forgiven.”

This ‘love note’ of forgiveness is meant to remind you of your eternal nature; to free you from harboring what is unchangeable; what was never meant to torment you.

As you witness your life unfold; as you seek to be more, to live with the highest integrity; and with more kindness, love, generosity and peace; you witness how forgiveness allows you to grow; forgiveness allows for release of mistakes so that you do not continue to live in their shadows. Our humanness can get in the way of our ability to be of light and love.

You are here to overcome, to rise above, to be an example, a role model, determined, dedicated to your cause of certainty, truth, love, and light; and to live as spirit in action.

You forgive yourself to live unencumbered of your love. Forgiveness is what allows you to be whole; to live from your heart; to not be afraid of where that will take you and to never compromise your honesty. Forgiveness is your path home into love.

Namaste! ?


I wish for you complete forgiveness. Try this. Do it with the wholeheartedness that you would embrace if forgiving your child or perhaps towards your inner child. Your present day adult self will reap the benefits as you choose to forgive your younger self at any age.


If you enjoyed this episode, please share it out with others who need to begin to feel whole from within. I’d love to have you share your comments and feedback with me. You can share them from any platform you are listening on or email me at mail at dorothyratusny.com.


In the spirit of self-forgiveness, I would like to share with you the self-love wisdom toolkit. This is a digital self-guided program that guides you through what habits and best practices are going to help you learn and practice self-love daily.


There are prompts for journal writing, healing guided meditations, audio and video messages from me to you; affirmation cards, habit trackers to guide and hone your progress and of course, a self-love coaching session with me. 

Self-love is paramount on your journey through life. This is the ultimate set of tools and teachings to ensure that you have this mastered. Thank you so much!



? Namaste! xo


If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me:  dorothy@dorothyratusny.com

Find all Episodes of The WISDOM podcast here:

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A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, Pavel Kirpikau!  radioplato 

Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell  eternell.net

Accompanying Music: Eternell – ‘Weightless Womb of Space ‘, and ‘Maram’



Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you…



love, dorothy