The Miracle of PEACE: The WISDOM podcast S2 E40 with dorothy ratusny 2021-01-24r (image of small tree with pink leaves growing)


The Miracle of PEACE

The WISDOM podcast  Season 2  Episode 40

with Dorothy Ratusny




My Introduction to This Special Episode:  0-1:43  |  Podcast Intro:  1:44 |  A Question For You:  3:43  |  From A State of Peace, You Become A Voice For Inciting Positive Change and Kindness:  5:04  |  Each One Of Us Yearns to Feel Peace:  7:37  |  If Peace Is Something That You Wish To Feel Far More:  9:47 | Your Experience of Inner Peace: Try This With Me?  11:14  |  Each Time You Wish to Feel Peace:  19:18  |  Podcast Outro: 22:48


I wrote this episode at the end of 2020; the world patiently, and also anxiously waiting for a start of a new year and the hope for peace. Peace in our daily life – peace felt from within as we navigate all of the change and uncertainty that is still upon us and the hope that with a new calendar, new world leaders, new promises that despite what we all have to live with, that we can find and feel a resounding and unshakable level of peace.

This is possible. It is what you live when you understand from where your peace originates. I wanted to offer you something most timely for the uncertainty and fear that exist should you forget.

One of the teachings that I hope you will glean from this episode is to look within for what peace is already a certain reminder of you.

Please enjoy this prose and the experiential technique that I hope you will find of help; that will bring your inner peace to you.

‘Open yourself to your inherent peace.’

Here’s a question for you.  “From where do you derive peace?”

There are many examples of why we need more peace in the world. Peace between countries and across nations, peace within our homeland; in our communities and peace amongst the people that we see and interact with daily; and of course peace with our loved ones. What is needed for all of this to exist is peace in and of your heart; to be the greatest expression of what you are.


You find peace in your heart. You find peace in your heart so that you can walk in peace regardless of what others may say or do.

Here is a thought: the world is changing for the better. If you believe this then you will see this each time you look into the world; as you witness others; as you read and watch the news and as you find what is positive.

From a state of peace, you become a voice for inciting positive change and for kindness.


You find peace first within you. Then, as you walk the planet in ways that illuminate peaceful measures, kind action, words of care, and presence of this moment for what this moment may offer and for what you demonstrate.

Peace originates within you; within each one of us.

What if I suggested that peace is your inherent and natural state?

It is from where you make your best decisions. It is from where you hold a plan that is rooted in the certainty of your truth. A state of peace is from where you may easily do the right thing; (to live in the most honourable and incredible way). From a state of peace you are inspired to always seek more in the context of following a path of what your heart desires and for being willing to do this for yourself.

It is in what you do for yourself that allows you to exist in peace; and to not be easily stirred or roused out of this state.


“Live in the beauty of life adorned of your peaceful presence.” – dorothy ratusny

The “more” is to signify the natural evolution of the ‘self’; of the experiences of peace-filled action that sets a course for how you can live. In peace, your life is even more remarkable. You witness the beauty of life that exists in the most simple and insignificant of substance.

Your inner peace is how you resonate with the previous nature of all of life and the ability to experience yourself in oneness with what you notice as you hold presence and appreciation of life’s wonders.

Each one of us yearns to feel peace in all of what we do and in our physical search as we scroll social media, in obtaining material possessions, and in setting and achieving goals.

What you seek must be felt in your heart; of your true wisdom; of your certain knowing. Because “more is not only what you obtain, it is what you become.”


Find your peace in the stillness and space of your heart.

Find it in the certainty of love that fills you with much wisdom and abundance.

Find peace in the gratifying words that you speak unto yourself which hold the path for clarity, wisdom, knowledge, understanding – of the light and wonder that is of your heart; of the peace that finds and follows you deep within yourself.

We marvel at the world we see with our eyes. Marvel at the world within yourself and for the endless and epic peace that fills your life; that fills your whole being; that is directed by your free will choice to boldly decide that life is both what you manifest through conscious choice and desire and certain knowing, the discovery of peace as already within you, already what is waiting for you, in its complete expression.

If peace is something that you wish to feel far more of in the world and in your life; first feel the peace that exists of your heart as you open to it; as you live of your heart’s desire; as you witness the innocence, the pure nature of your heart in love with you; in a state of love and peace and the certain knowing that everything in its perfect wonder and grace – everything in its perfect form; everything holds peace.

Find it first within yourself; go within to feel it in the moments of certain joy and knowing and pleasure that arise for you out of the blissful wonder – the miracle of what you are – the witnessing of peace felt herein and of your soul for eternity.

I think it’s important to demonstrate this; to show you how to feel peace from within. It can be as simple as placing one or both hands onto your heart centre (this is the angali mudra) and remain present as you take deep breaths; as you allow your breath the space to hold with great attention what you notice. Do this with me for a few moments now. Just notice. Follow your breath’s movement. Let it guide you into yourself; deeper still; and into the abyss of pure calm, and of inner light.

Follow your breath deeper still. Find your source of inner calm. Find it in the ways that you hold deep mystery for something that is so very precious and profound; that is of your own. That is the perfect blessing of what makes you whole; nourished; and unto yourself, complete.

Find this place within you where peace exists. Your calm is like the calm on the depths of the ocean floor when at the surface there is turbulence and high waves. Your calm is the depth of your being, the centre, the nucleus of your peace.


Consider the place in your body where this peace exists eternally. Then, when you need to feel peace, you feel comforted in the safety and presence of your wondrous inner being; your inner most dwelling space, and of what allows you to feel pure and affirming inner peace; and its pairing of gentle self-love. You are the love of your heart, you are peace eternal.

Each time that you wish to feel peace; take conscious breaks. First return to the present moment. Let your breath guide you into the depths of your being; to feel peace as the infinite source of what you are; as light, as comfort, as your pure existence.

When you are ready, begin to resurface; to rise from the depths of your inner being, to continue to feel at peace within yourself, as what you are so beautifully; and as what you live.

It is in remembering that peace is always present within you; that you will find it; here within yourself and then to feel it as a calm and soothing presence regardless of what is happening in your life and all around you. Feel peace as you hold presence with each breath, allowing the flow of peace to be here in every moment.

If you are someone that practices meditation; or if you would like to experience meditation together with me, I invite you to join me. This one, titled: peace unto me. You can find it here or below. ?

As well, you now have a sacred practice that you may wish to use often; to go within for the experience of true inner peace. There is nothing that you need to do, only to allow your breath like a homing device, to bring you deep within yourself; into the comfort of what you are.

Experience a state of peace that resides deep within you.

Namaste ?



More Peace here…


For the guided meditation that I speak about in this episode: click here

Peace Unto Me


*If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me:

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A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, Pavel Kirpikau  radioplato

 Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell

Accompanying Music: Eternell – ‘Playing’, ‘Eden’, and ‘Home’



Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you…


love, dorothy