self-reliance-is-sustainability-the-wisdom-podcast-s2e12-(image of finger and drop of water)


Self-Reliance is Sustainability

“It’s what you must think of now.”

Season 2 Episode 12  The WISDOM podcast

I recently had a phone session with a longstanding client. He was describing what he believed was a panic attack that he had that morning as he contemplated and then talked out with his wife what worries he head for sustaining his business when he (at the time of writing this) had already been forced to close his business for four months. His landlord had now sold the building and his loss of income coupled with a potential increase in rent could potentially put him out of business.

We had been speaking for a time about the new direction that he was contemplating; that he was also resisting because to scale down his business to a size in which he could be self-sustainable; that is he wanted to have far more autonomy over the types of clients he worked with, the ability to choose his schedule and to no longer have staff to manage. Think of it as liberating himself from many responsibilities that took him away from what he loved to do.

As we debriefed the panic and fear rooted in indecisiveness, ts client acknowledged aloud that he had not chosen his business authentically; that is true drive to operate a business of this scale was built upon ego and the belief that it would be perceived as successful by others it he followed a particular model for his business. In choosing this, he sacrificed his need to be truly independent, self-sufficient, self-sustaining and self-reliable.

How many of us make choices like this where we have convinced our self of what we should do or how we will look or be successful through the eyes of others, our peers, and the world.

Similarly, another client; a sole managing partner of his law firm recently had an epiphany; that what really mattered to him was not the size of the house he was building or his status or how good he was at wining cases for his clients, but that his two young children truly enjoyed his company; they were happy to be with him; they looked forward to seeing him; and that his deep desire to be a wonderful father was what felt to be most important.

He and I also discussed a tactical plan for how we could work in a way that was far more sustainable, meaningful and aligned with his higher values.

I share these client stories as we discuss reliance and self-responsibility; to no longer give away our power to those who are truly not responsible for it and to make new choices that will honour our integrity and authenticity over greed, ego, and a fragile and fear-based model that has up to now dictated to us what we should do.




TRUTH SERUM: There will continue to be uncertainty. You must become certain about what you want and how you wish to live your life. 

A-HA MOMENTS: This time is a time of freedom – freedom from what has held you hostage from yourself. What you will choose to be a new set of practices and beliefs that you will hold; will allow you to rebirth yourself into something more, something better.

PRACTICAL WISDOM: You need this time to awaken; to set in motion this new stage of your life. You already have everything that you need for this.


Self-reliance is having confidence in and exercising one’s own powers or judgment. In fact, this is how we all need to live.

Sustainability refers to a lifestyle that involves the use of sustainable methods / of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource (and this resource could be ourselves), is not depleted or permanently damaged.

Sustainability is also defined as the process of people maintaining change in a homeostasis balanced environment, in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.

Isn’t this what we are being called to live right now with all of what has forced change unto us?


In this brave new world we are living in, we are being challenged to examine what has been a pattern of reliance on structures, protocol, process; of external powers and conditions, and of continuing to do what civilization has done since the industrial revolution. We have followed a model that has not always been self-sustaining nor healthy for ourselves and for the planet.

Yes, you have every right to have what you want in life; but are your desires to have more and better, based on an ego-driven response and fuelled by competition, power and privilege; or are you making decisions that take into consideration your needs based on sustainability, conscientious and thoughtful decisions, humane, ethical, and kind practices?

Does your work environment take initiative and consideration of the mental and emotional well-being of its people, and to stand behind the need for self-reliance, and what that means for each individual to have? Do your self-directed choices build and sustain harmony, peace, self-governance and authority?

To thrive in a world that we can then enjoy even more because of our autonomy, our educated, evolved; and highly conscientious choices; our responsibility to teach our children to care, to think of others and the planet; and for us to lead by example, to always do the right thing rather than what is only self-serving.

The kind of self-reliance I am talking about is that of a higher consciousness; higher morals and integrity then you ever upheld; as well as greater awareness and accountability. How willing are you to move yourself into a higher state of consciousness; to shed your ego attachments to things such as pride, greed, competition, and compulsion? If you want to achieve real progress and success, then you know that is has nothing to do with what you’ve been able to accumulate in material goals and wealth rather success is being honourable, kind, and loving. It is being the best possible version of yourself in all moments. You define true success as you connect to your deeper sense of personal truth and then define success by this evolved perspective of courage, integrity, just, compassion, and love.

What do you need to change of your thoughts and actions to best support a life that you will thrive in because of your ability to make conscious choices that nurture and self-sustain living whole, in balance, providing for your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs because you are making this a priority and as it supports your personal sense of security, stability and safety?

The kind of self-reliance I am talking about is that of a higher conscientiousness; higher morals and integrity then you ever upheld and greater awareness and accountability. How willing are you to move yourself into a higher state of consciousness; to shed your ego attachments to things such as pride, greed, competition, and compulsion? If you want to achieve real progress and success, then you know that is has nothing to do with what you’ve been able to accumulate in material goods and wealth; rather success is being an honourable, kind and loving being. It is being the best possible version of yourself in all moments. You define true success as you connect to your deeper sense of personal ‘truth’ and then define success by this evolved perspective of courage, integrity, just, compassion, and love.

What is one thing that you can change for the better that will support you in your life right now? Maybe you have already made this change or perhaps this change is still coming. What change would support you in a far more sustainable way; that will be helpful and healthy and that will honour who you truly are at your core?

In earlier episodes, I invited you to contemplate what changes you may need to make; to thrive in ways that you have wanted; to have deeper and more meaningful relationships and to live more sustainability for the rest of your life. Consider what this time during a global pandemic (something that most of us have never before witnessed) has forced you to re-examine about how you have been living your life.

These messages are still upon us and they encourage us to continue to awaken. Look at everything that you have always done, and consider what would be better; what allows you to live sustainably and to thrive like you have never before? To do this requires that you reassess everything.

If you haven’t already, please consider what else you need to rethink so that you no longer sleepwalk through any part of your life, but rather you live awake, self-aware, mindful, grateful, and to make conscious and deliberate choices that sustain you; and that you feel so good about.

In this brave new world, and as you find your place; as you decide your new normal, and as you step into what choices you will make to live in harmony with the planet and with one another; to live self-reliant and sustainable. Ask this question of yourself. See what answers rise up that will be the catalyst of change for how you want to live the rest of your life.

I will also include a link for you to a PDF of the questions that I ask here so that you may have them in front of you for further contemplation, and to answer these for yourself.

Something else to consider; during this time we have needed to stay home; to work from home wherever possible; but have you considered what home symbolizes? Your first and primary home is your physical body. Early in life we experience home in the space where our immediate family resides. All that we learn and discover, arises from this environment and what we are taught to believe. ‘Home’ later includes a new family that we choose.

On a larger scale, our community, cities, country and ultimately the planet is also our home. When we practice self-reliance, we are offering to ourselves the ability to live sustainability and whole; we become self-responsible for our happiness and less dependent on the approval of others, and what we tell ourselves we need of material possessions. What do you need to return to your centre? …to live from your heart to choose based on what you feel and know to best and right?

In this new world, choose to question what has not been fulfilling; what has not served your highest self; what has caused much stress and discomfort because this is the most direct path of knowing what is not working, not sustainable, nor healthy.

To be truly self-reliant, you must first choose what path is nourishing and sustainable; that you can do for yourself. What you can do becomes what grows your confidence, self-efficacy, and belief in yourself. We will always need each other. We are all interdependent and yet we all must become better at our self-sufficiency; doing for our self what is needed and what is nourishing.

Consider what you have had to do or do differently during this time (of a global pandemic). What new skills have you chosen to learn? What have you done for yourself whereas before you may ave relied on the help of others? How are you living and working differently that is self-sustaining and self-sufficient? And what changes have you needed to make in order to rise up to life’s new challenges and to be a positive force in the world, and to be independent?

This is about stepping up self-reliance and autonomy so that you can be your best ‘go to’ for what is needed. This doesn’t mean that you cannot reach out for help, support and guidance; rather it means that you may choose to look first within; for answers, for comfort, for reassurance, for truth, for new sustainable practices that you can rely on yourself for that will best support you in times of need; now and in the future.

For example, could we as a planet rely on ourselves more to do the right thing, to care for own needs, to be helpful and loving towards one another; and to be more grateful and kind towards all those who make it possible for us to thrive because of what they do?

At this time that we have been called to be home, it is important to reconnect with who you are, with your ability to nurture yourself; to nurture your body as your primary home with physical, emotional and psychological care; with exercise, healthful foods and clean water, and the choices that you make now to honour your physical home; the space that you live in and of course, the mindset that will carry you forward. As you make new and evolved choices that will sustain you as you go back out into the world; your life now is fuelled by new choices, new decisions, heightened awareness and conscious mindfulness of yourself, and others; with autonomy and freedom.

What is becoming your new normal, is also what is helping you to live a new life; to shed the anxiety and fear that has kept you doing what you have done for so long and now to step bravely into the home of your new life, new existence, new certainty because the future is before you now; it is for you to choose with dignity, with conviction; the old structures, routines, habits, and beliefs no longer apply – everything is up for change.

If you are not yet certain about how you will emerge in this new world, remember that you can choose. You can be self-reliant. This is how you love yourself without conditions. This is how you are able to love others and the planet without compromising your highest virtues. In fact, your highest values will demand that you stand up for what is right, for what needs change, for what you will live as.

Use this time to draw a deeper connection with yourself; in the safety and security of your home as a physical source of comfort and protection and also within yourself as the source of your kindness and care and of self-reliance. Then, as you make your decisions for the future, these too will be in perfect form, sustainable for the future that you are choosing to live (now). Home is where you need to feel the most comfort, support and love; it needs to be with yourself (above all else), because as you walk the planet, you are also simultaneously, home.

Your life, your goodness, your success and happiness lies within you – in your hands and in the freedom to choose this now.

And as always, if you would like my help to live your brave new sustainable journey, please reach out to me. Namaste.

For more information on my services or to work with me, please be in touch.

Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you…


love, dorothy





And, a little more sustainable love for you…






Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell

Accompanying Music: Eternell ‘Gray Havens’, & ‘Dancing With Wind’

A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, Pavel Kirpikau for your incredible help!