LIVE AS LOVE. Do These 3 Things

The WISDOM podcast  Season 3  Episode 12

– a heartfelt plan if you looking to reconnect with yourself, and as you grow along your spiritual path –



“Love opens you. It channels the most exquisite source of kindness. Love reveals the grace that you may share with the rest of the world. Wisdom and love emerge from the heart that has opened itself. Love inspires a kind and generous attitude co-creating more joy, more positivism, more abundance moment by moment.”  – dorothy ratusny

If you’ve been wondering how you can bring more joy, more love, more light into your life, these three best practices are the way in which you open yourself to the god source.

You open yourself to live as the divine; as the energy of pure and unconditional love; as you hold deliberate intention and as you open your heart to this.

All of us are on a spiritual path. When you merge your physical reality with your experience as a spiritual being, you embrace the wisdom of the love you hold in your heart as a metaphor for how you live. Embody the practice of living as love. Allow the energy of the divine – your soul consciousness – to open you to love and to being love.

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You can be a walking billboard for being love in action (not needing anyone nor a situation to be responsible for how you feel and for what you are capable of). Being love requires that you practice a few simple habits. Each of these on their own hold the potential to heighten your energy vibration.


In other words, to lead you into a conscious state in which you feel the energy of love as what you are. The energy of love is perhaps best experienced as kindness, care, compassion. You can experience love directed as the self-care you give yourself and in being of service in the world for others.

You are a living energy field. Your body is composed of particles of energy, each of which is in constant motion. So, like everything and everyone else in the universe, you are vibrating and also existing in a state of energy.

I share this episode early in the year to help make this new year in your life one of greatness; greatness in how you live and in who you are because you are capable of this; you are capable of choosing to live as the highest aspect of what you are.

These three best practices are to help you begin each day in balance and on the right footing; to shift your perspective and to focus yourself on what is most important. The beauty of each best practice whether used in conjunction with one another or unto themselves and as their inherent power will return you to your divine state – each and every time you embody these.

Some questions to contemplate and to help you reference how you already live as love by choice:

What do you think the experience of love feels like as it originates within you?

When do you most easily feel your true nature as love in action?

What allows you to feel the expression of love as what you are?

Is it holding your newborn? Is it watching your child in a piano recital playing masterfully? Is it being in the ocean? or on horseback? or seeing the great love that your partner has for you by how they look into your eyes?

Is the love you feel something that you can find within yourself or do you look for it in a situation with another? It’s the harmony of this that opens you to what you truly are in the absence of critical thought and in the presence of now, and what you are choosing to co-create with gratitude.

Give some consideration to how you already do this. What are the intrinsic and organic ways that you show up as love in the world, and from where do you connect with this deepest source of power and wisdom?

Will you share your answers with me here in the comment section and as you bring the love of what you are into your life in deliberate ways, and as you live this – as you become love in action? Be love on purpose because whenever you do this, you bring love into the lives of all with whom you think about and speak with.

This is precisely how you can share your loving embrace with all of the world. Its how you live heaven on earth here and now.


Here are the three best practices to live as love to begin your day; and to re-calibrate to this highest vibration often as you live in the power of what you are.


First. Gratitude

You make the conscious choice to begin each day with gratitude and to return to this often. Say ‘thank you’: ‘thank you for this day’, ‘thank you for my life’, ‘thank you for what I am going to do and feel and be today’; ‘thank you for what I look forward to and give myself’ and ‘thank you for all of the beautiful experiences that I am manifesting.’

You begin with the simple words ‘thank you’ that remind you of all that you may be grateful for. You can also practice gratitude with a list. Write a gratitude list as a sacred morning ritual that focuses the mind and the heart on what you are thankful for. This delivers positive feelings; feelings of wealth and abundance in varied forms, of the privileges that you have, of how rich and beautiful your life is; and how blessed you are. Gratitude opens you to optimism and encourages you to find and seek more as a new thought pattern and a positive habit that opens you to what all is possible.


Second. Live Aware and Awake. Practice Open Mindedness.

Open your mind and your heart to love. Decide the reasons why this is important to you. Live awake and aware. Be mindful, pay attention. See the beauty in life all around you. The secret here is to be open to what is possible and what you are wiling to do to bring into your life the love and the magic of what is possible.

In the meantime and as a path to being love, practice holding your mind and your heart open; and to the possibility of love – even when life and others may pose challenges.

When you are open minded and awake in your life, you see how what is already in front of you is in support of your highest ideals and the dreams that you have for the rest of your life. You hold yourself open to the experience of love that is already here for you.


Third. Live As Much As Possible In The Present Moment.

This is where mindfulness and meditation can benefit most. Meditation and the awareness that is felt in being mindful holds your attention in the present.

As you witness yourself in and of the present moment, you open yourself to all of the beauty of life that surrounds you; that fills your life; that opens you to create; that reminds you of your personal power and greatness when you choose to exist in a state of love and as you are loving kindness in your life.

Experience the present moments of your life as sacred.

To come back to the present moment often throughout your day is as simple as taking conscious breaths. It is your breath that returns you to the present, and it is also your focus on one thing at a time; giving that all of your focus, and being deliberate in where you place your attention.


In the present moment, you are simply being. In the present you can most easily live from your heart without the noise of the mind. As you remain present for a time, you begin to feel the softness of peace that is here with you. Peace is the tranquility of love. 


And a BONUS best practice… MANIFEST More Love and Goodness.

Think about what you want to bring into your life today. How do you want to feel? How could you live as love today?

Take a few moments when you first open your eyes or at any time throughout your day to imagine living as love, and to envision yourself as love in action; to be happy, joyful, positive; to live from your heart centre and to allow your heart to lead you in all of your decisions and actions.

All things in your life exist because of you. Remember this each time that you desire something.

You manifest being love when you decide it is how you want to be; how you want to approach and live your life; and to recognize how much more peaceful and effortless it is when you put aside the dialogue of your inner critique and instead ask yourself: How can I be loving in this moment? and What action will allow me to live as love?

The rationale for this best practice is this: When you think about your larger life goals and dreams, and also the simple habit or state of being that you want to live as and embody, as you decide and imagine how you will live this now, you set in motion all of what you desire to bring into your life including what action you need to take.

This is how you most directly live as love in action.

Manifesting is the certain grace and abundance of what you hold in your heart; and that which you live and imagine in all of the waking moments of your life.


Sending you great ? love…


Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you…


love, dorothy

If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me:

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More  l o v e  and  w i s d o m:

* How to Live As Love  [YouTube Video]

* The Kindness Challenge [Read The WISDOM BLOG post here]

* Live Your Greatness [Podcast Episode Season 1]

* This Is A Self-Love Movement  [YouTube Video]

* The Ultimate Self-Love WISDOM toolkit

* Self-Love: A Meditation to Heal Your Life  [The Wisdom Archives]

* Do You Let Love In? How to Feel Deserving of Love  [Podcast Episode]

* Work with Me [Life Coaching & Therapy]

A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, P. Kirpikau  radioplato

Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell