CONFIDENT DECISION MAKING USING YOUR HEART INTELLIGENCE: The WISDOM podcast - S2 E30 with dorothy ratusny (Image of EEG with heart)


The WISDOM podcast  Season 2  Episode 30

with Dorothy Ratusny



Introduction to Podcast:  0-1:32  |  In This Episode…  1:36 |  What I Teach  2:10  |  When You Use Your Heart Intelligence:  5:50  |  In The New Field of Neurocardiology:  6:29  |  In a Session of Therapy or Coaching:  9:11  |  Let Me Demonstrate This:  10:25  |  A Real Life Client Story:  20:30  |  Your Heart ‘Inspired’ Communication:  24:07  |  Your Home Practice:  25:21  |  Podcast Outro:  26:38



“We need to shed the limitations we hold driven by our human condition and instead live purely of our heart.”  – dorothy ratusny


In this episode, I share how to know what is true and right for you; and how to get clarity of what is wanted and important using the wisdom of your heart, so that you can accelerate the speed by which you manifest.


While I teach the principles of CBT which is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and other forms of therapy (such as ACT and DBT), I also use another highly effective means to help my clients connect inward; to listen to and experience communication with their inner being; what I may call their highest self; and to use this inner wisdom as a guiding source of inspiration and light for what they seek. This is a form of enlightenment; the ability to know and be able to access your innate potential as your nonphysical nature and without the barriers of limiting thoughts or beliefs.  Read more about therapy here:


We hear the word enlightenment and may think of it as associated with a religious or spiritual person living in a monastery or remotely atop a mountain; largely in solitude; perhaps devoted to silence, meditation and prayer; but true enlightenment is the ability to live in your light; in your truth and in the power of this to live awake and aware. This is also what I teach.

This means that you can have an ‘aha moment’ in a session with me – an awakening – a stepping out of the ‘matrix’ and into truth; realization, and the acknowledgement of something that you have or have not been doing; and that this expression; this often literal ‘aha’ that opens you to witnessing what is true; your truth – this is a moment of enlightenment. It’s akin to flipping the light switch in a room that is pitch black; to now be able to see everything clearly. And, once you see and know what is, there is no turning back or pretending that you do not know; the change has been made; you have this enlightened perspective to use for your highest good.

This form of enlightenment is experienced as seeing everything with conscious awareness; your mind and heart open. You as the observer, are able to witness your thoughts and actions from the vantage point of awareness, insight, and discovery.

This designates a mind shift; to approach a past hurt or a present situation or problem from the perspective of what you’ve been telling yourself and believing, and to see how you can remain lodged in the telling of your ‘stories’ rather than to focus on what is true and what is most wanted.


Often I will remind clients to focus on what they want as an outcome rather than on the problem. This helps open their mind (and heart) to what they seek rather than deliberate further on what is wrong. This approach also helps them to get answers quickly and focus on how they will attain what is wanted.

When you use your heart intelligence, you are literally dropping into your heart center and asking and receiving sensory feedback from your heart brain. Your heart and its more than 40,000 sensory neurons, of which are the same kind as the neurons that are found in the brain are always providing you with information largely of a felt sense or intuitive wisdom; a perceiving of the world using cardioelectromagnetic communication.

In the new field of neurocardiology, scientists have discovered that the heart possesses its own intrinsic nervous system—a network of nerves so functionally sophisticated, it has earned the description of a “heart brain.” With its over 40,000 neurons, the heart has the ability to independently sense, process information, make decisions, and even to demonstrate a type of learning and memory.  Source:

Research has also revealed that the heart is a hormonal gland, manufacturing and secreting numerous hormones and neurotransmitters that profoundly affect brain and body function. Among the hormones that the heart produces is oxytocin—well known as the “love” or “bonding hormone.” Science has only begun to understand the effects of the electromagnetic fields produced by the heart, but the research suggests that the the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body.

The heart’s electrical field is 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain; making it a perceptible energy field that we can experience and use to help us with decision making; to read and assess situations and people, and to better understand and know our self.

Accessing this heart centered inner wisdom may be experienced quite easily; it may take some practice to feel your confidence grow in what you are reading and witness to, however the experience of following your intuition or your heart is something that we have all done; often without naming it as so.

Sometimes we may need to access our heart wisdom immediately; for decisions that are not driven by analytical processes and so we may use our feelings to navigate what is the right and best choice.

Next, you are going to experience what you may if you were in a session together with me.

In a session of therapy or coaching, I can show you how to challenge what beliefs and perceptions you have been taught or have learned through different experiences that no longer serve you; that may have never served you. Together, we can get to the end truth about something by challenging a problematic core belief, and to replace this with a healthy new belief that you hold conviction to, and yet you may struggle with some of the bigger decisions of your life, or what to do with a conflict or disagreement because you are lodged in the problem, what is not right or unjust, or not working. And this is a perfect place to bring in the wisdom of your heart intelligence.

If you ever felt a conflict or struggle in making a decision; maybe you’ve even felt the pull between your head and your heart, this is where it may be most helpful to approach a situation or a problem or decision completely of your heart wisdom.

…because the heart and the brain can be in disagreement which is why you sometimes feel torn between two decisions or options; your heart leading in one direction, while the voices in your mind say something different. It really becomes at that moment about finding the best possible answer.

So let’s do this in real time together. Let me give you a demonstration; let me walk you through how this works, to experience it together with me.

Think of a situation that you’ve been thinking; perhaps one that you’ve needed to find a solution for; or a decision that requires a particular action on your part; something that you have been deliberating upon.

Now you don’t have to act on this right now, so there is no pressure on what you will decide, but let me walk you through how you come to a clear answer using the wisdom of your heart brain.

First, think about this situation or decision using your mind. You may immediately sense yourself going into a debate, weighing options, analyzing outcomes. Just think about it for a moment and notice the thoughts that rise up. (pause) It can begin to feel overwhelming almost instantly. (I don’t want to keep you there too long), so let me now show you how to engage your heart and to allow this wisdom to guide and assist you in making the right decision, in answering a question that you may have, and in figuring out a problem – effortlessly.

Now, the action for whatever decision you make may require that you find courage and strength that you do not quite believe you have yet; but what we are doing is the first step; finding the right and best answer to what is needed.

With the same situation or decision to make of this particular circumstance, I want you to drop down into your heart center. This is literally you holding the question or problem situation or the decision you are contemplating in the area of your heart rather than in your mind, and to feel it. Acknowledge that you will contemplate this situation or the decision that is needed, from the space of your heart – using your heart’s ability to reveal to you the right answer and the information that you need based on your intuitive wisdom, and that which serves your deepest desires.

I want you to feel the energy of the situation in your heart. If you start to say to yourself, “I think…..” then you have just returned to your mind; your thinking brain and you are analyzing again. So analyzing is great for solving problems that require a sorting of concrete data, but not as helpful if you are looking to make a decision that is best and right for you, that is guided by your heart-felt knowing and that is not weighted in the need to gather specific information rather to sense and know what you deem to be best and right for you.

Sometimes, clients will also get caught in the thinking that if they allow themselves to make a decision that is right for them, that it might somehow hurt or impact upon another negatively. It can be difficult to see the ripple effect of the outcome that you choose; at least at first.

I remind clients that when you are making a decision that is completely in honour of what is right for you; it can never harm another person. Others may be disappointed, they may be angry for a time or indefinitely; they may even lash out at you which also gives you more information about whether they really value what is right for you; but the point here is that your deliberate actions directed unto yourself for the highest good will never harm another. And those that love you will understand and not be upset.

So to hold one or both hands onto your heart centre and to now; as if you were asking your heart for the answer because this is exactly what you are doing.


As you focus on your dilemma, question or a problem that you want guidance on, focus unto your heart center now, and ask your heart intelligence for the answer.

You may ask: “What is the best and right decision for me in this situation? Or “What is the best and right action for me to take to have the best possible outcome?” or “What do I most need to do in order to resolve… or heal this (e.g. a situation, a relationship conflict, or anything else?”) 

Be quiet for a few moments as you allow your heart wisdom to answer. You will sense or feel this information or answer rise up as intuitive wisdom; as words spoken or seen inside your mind and most often a feeling; a felt-sensation that is notable and witnessed in your heart.

Your job is to take this in; to notice, to witness this expression of sensory information and feelings much like you witness the communication of your mind. This is your heart wisdom in direct communication with you. It is most important that you trust in the answer that you receive and notice the way in which you receive this wisdom, as it will help you in this practice as you build confidence in how you are receiving your intuitive knowing or heart intelligence.


Some Tips to Help:

Notice what you feel in your body. Clients often report feeling a sense of ease in their body; often with a sense of discernment; of confidence; of feeling this as the right decision. (The feelings of being certain will be quite distinct of course from those in which are unsure or feeling in conflict).

You may also hear your heart wisdom. If it is a ‘yes’ ‘no’ question, you may see the word ‘YES’ as well as hear this word spoken softly.

Your right and best answers will also feel comforting and of relief as compared to when you consider another option or solution. This path or answer will just feel right; even if you do not yet know all of the steps that will bring you to this just yet.

You can always ask another question of your heart’s intelligence to help guide you further.


This heart ‘inspired’ communication is always occurring. This is also why you immediately feel a resonance with someone you’ve just met; that you instantly like, or it can be why you sense or feel something about another person in which you decide that you don’t quite yet trust them or that there is something about them you are unsure of. This is because you are using the wisdom of your heart energy to sense electromagnetically the other person.

You can practice this state of higher consciousness as you make more of your decisions from a place of what feels right rather than what you think you should or ought to do. This practice of opening yourself to witness and communicate with your heart intelligence is mind-blowing (pun intended). It is also the new way in which we are all being encouraged to make decisions, and to live; to sense and feel what is right and best, and to follow this wisdom; to trust in it.

As your home practice for the week and beyond, you may wish to practice this spiritual teaching; this enlightened way of sensing and feeling what is your right answer and truth;
and to be able to access this by choice immediately.

This is but one awakened teaching that you and I may practice in our work together; so that you have the means by which to always act on what is right and best for you and to feel confident in your certain knowing of the decisions you make.

I’ll be speaking more on the wisdom of your heart as an incredible tool to help you navigate your life in future episodes of this podcast, and I’ll also leave links in the description for related articles, and the science of this heart intelligence.

I hope that you have some fun with this practice.

For now, it can be so helpful to have this pure and deepest approach; this instantaneous means of guidance and wisdom that is within you.


Read On ?

Ocytocin is a cardiovascular hormone:,the%20heart%20and%20vascular%20beds.

The Intelligent Heart:



More Love, More Wisdom….


Namaste!  ?


*If you have a question or if you would like my guidance or help, please reach out to me:

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A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, Pavel Kirpikau  

Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell

Accompanying Music: Eternell – ‘Embrace’, ‘Mira’ and ‘Home’


Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you…


love, dorothy