an important message to all families: use this time to reconnect and love: The WISDOM podcast S1 Bonus Episode 2 with Dorothy Ratusny (images of families together)



An Important Message For All Families During COVID-19: Use This Time To Reconnect and Love

The WISDOM podcast   Season 1  Bonus Episode 2

with Dorothy Ratusny

This podcast is dedicated to all of the people who ceaselessly work in medical care around the world, who are committed to their service and care; and the best possible treatment of all people who have been affected by the Coronavirus and all other illnesses that they help with on a daily basis.  We commend you.  We could not survive in the world without your help and care of the greater whole. 


TRUTH SERUM:  As you are together with your family at home, consider this time as one of immense blessing. This time is an opportunity for all of you to find each other; to learn about and know one another in ways that you have not, or in ways that are new and different.

A-HA MOMENTS:  Engage in honest, loving dialogue and curate connection using the three questions I share here. This may be an entirely new practice for all of you; or perhaps something that will continue to nourish and deepen the connection that exists. This current global experience has imprinted upon us new choices for directing our love and for being love.

PRACTICAL WISDOM: When you shift your consciousness into one of acceptance, forgiveness for what you have limited control over, compassion, loving-kindness, and of course gratitude; you have chosen to embrace where you are in this moment. Where you are is not of needing anything except to exist as kindness, compassion and love in action.

As you are home with your children; as you are social distancing; that is, avoiding as much as possible all contact with others who do not live in your home and as some of you have been self-isolating in quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19. These next several weeks in front of you can remain a challenge for as long as you focus on what is lacking.

Raise your level of consciousness by first being aware – mindful – of your family dynamics. Are you interacting in harmony? Is there a sense of ease and enjoyment when you are all together and in the present moment for whatever activities and dialogue is occurring; and even as each member of the family may be enjoying different things. Are you co-existing with enjoyment of one another?

If not, what can you do to practice acceptance, inclusivity, and connection?

I’d like to give you 3 questions. You can use these questions as points of conversation with your family at home; and if your children are a little older, invite them into this conversation. Listen to their answers. Let yourselves have a dialogue as equal members of your beautiful family. You can open this dialogue as you speak with or have video calls with extended family members.

The choice is up to you how you may engage in this incredible new way of being; of building connection, of deepening the expression of love felt amongst everyone.

There are 3 questions. You may have others. You may allow your children to open to this honest, sacred dialogue to ask you a question, or for you to ask of them. Remember to also honour each person’s intimate right to privacy and ask with love and the desire to build and strengthen your existing relationship. Something else that family may do during this time is to establish new practices and ways of being with each other.

For example, honouring time as a family to engage with one another each day – to have a meal, or to cook together, and to decide and uphold new ways of being that honour each member’s right to receive kindness, love, to listen attentively when they speak, to seek understanding first, and to offer encouragement and love above all else for all situations.

You have been given this gift of time to be together in a most unusual but perfect way that you may never experience again. You must make this time sacred and loving if you are to all flourish and to emerge stronger, closer; more in tune with each other’s needs and desires and to know and understand each other better.


Here are the 3 questions to ask; to share thoughts and impressions, to hold as points of conversation as you engage with your heart.

1: How can I be more loving? …as a parent? …as a child? …sibling? …grandparent?

Repeat this question aloud in front of your family and then answer it for them.

2: What do you need more of from me?

Take turns asking this of each other and allowing for honest, candid answers that all of you listen to without a word in reply. Just take in the answers you received, accepting them as they are and wherever possible, record your answers from each family member so that you may reflect upon how you may do this. Truly receiving an answer means that you do not question or challenge it – or offer a reason why you cannot do this. You just take in what response is given to you with acceptance and willingness to listen – to allow the other person to feel heard.

3: What am I grateful for right now?

This question reminds us all of the good that exists. Be even more observant of this during this time and allow yourself to speak of your gratitude often.


Finally, a word for all of you who have family members in parts of the world where it is very unsafe at this time; perhaps you have family members infected or who have passed because of this virus. Do something. Send them your love. It does not change what has already happened but it does keep them in comfort knowing of your thoughts and prayers and of your generous love of them. That is most important right now. Of course you already are doing what else you can for them, but be more deliberate and clear of your ongoing messages of love that they need to hear now.

Would you like to hear some of the answers to the 3 questions that I am giving to you? If you are comfortable to do so, please share some of these profoundly honest and heartfelt answers, so that others too may hear of their benefit. I thank you all for being willing to make wise use of this time that you have – your life paused; to embrace connection and to love deeply and to carry this new way of being into the rest of your life. Namaste!


For more information on my services or to work with me, please be in touch.

Sharing the wisdom and beauty of divine love with you…


love, dorothy





Additional Resources:



Podcast Theme Music: ‘Aura’ from the Album, Illuvia by Eternell

Accompanying Music: Eternell, ‘Gray Havens’ 

A generous ‘thank you’ to Audio Engineer, Pavel Kirpikau for your incredible help!