How Do You Live Your Truth? | Real Life Client Stories #002 | ‘ask dorothy’


My client Helen described the visceral feeling that she had in her stomach; the knots, the tightness and pain, – it was excruciating -and impossible to not notice. 

When we do not live our truth, our body including all of our cells – reacts in a way that can remind us that we are not choosing well in that moment; that something is not right.  I liken it to an internal smoke alarm – the anxiety and accompanying physiological sensations much like what Helen described are meant to have us take notice.  It’s quite the opposite from when we are making decisions that we feel good about; in which we feel positive, calm, and have comparable sensations in our body (for example: ‘lightness’, ‘ease’, ‘comfortable’, ‘expansive’ to name a few).

Think about a recent decision that you made that you perhaps struggled with.  Maybe you were uncertain because you didn’t have all of the information that you needed to make the right decision, or perhaps you were feeling conflicted because you knew that your decision wasn’t the best or right one and perhaps you were making it to appease or satisfy someone else; or if you felt a pressure to decide – even if you were not ready to do so.

When you live your truth you are making choices for your life based on what is right and best for you in each moment.  What’s important is to be fluid about your decision making when it is based on preferences that are likely to change.  These are typically everyday decisions and choices that are based on how you feel in a particular moment and also what your needs are.  The bigger life decisions such as what you will study after high school, what vocation you will choose, what city you will live in, what job offer will you accept, whom you will choose as a life partner; these and many other ‘life decisions’ do require a deeper sense of knowing; of  following your intuitive wisdom – and knowing much about yourself so that you are choosing based on what will allow you to feel happiest and fulfilled; because your truth is what is ‘right’ and ‘best’ for you.

It’s like having an internal GPS that always guides you along a ‘right’ path.  At each crossroads, there are always optimal choices – some better than others – but if you are already following a ‘path’ based on what allows you to feel happiest, fulfilled, and varying states of calm and excitement – even with some nervousness for what may be new and different – you will enjoy a life unfolding that you both choose, and that supports your every dream and wish.

This is not to say that at times, you will make choices that are not best for you and your life situation.  Likely you will know immediately when this happens.  Helen’s strong internal reaction when she was with her boyfriend and his children for dinner that Saturday was not the first time she felt uncomfortable, uneasy, and as though much was ‘not right’.  As much as she tried to make this relationship work – it was difficult, it did not come easy; there was much conflict and disagreement on many topics. 

Each time Helen pushed her gnawing inner feelings away, the discomfort she felt grew stronger.  It was her inner voice metaphorically screaming – “This is not what you want in a partner”, “This is not the right relationship for you” – but she had been ignoring her own knowing of this until that fateful night at dinner when she allowed herself to take it in – to pay attention – and to accept what she already knew was the truth rather than attempt to convince herself otherwise.

As Helen described to me the feeling of calm and inner certainty that she felt as she told her boyfriend that she needed to end the relationship, – it was validation that she was making the right decision – that she was listening to her inner self and her truth.  Helen hasn’t had a panic attack nor felt anxiety about her decision, nor in the fact that she would now be single again.  The overwhelming inner peace that she felt after making her decision, helped to reinforce that she knows how to live her truth

Each time that Helen now follows her inner wisdom – even when doing so is difficult, she describes her intuitive knowing that living her truth will also allow her to make good decisions and to feel happiness easily.  Her inner voice has never let her down yet.

“Your inner wisdom always guides you along a path that fulfills you; and that allows for the highest expression of your soul to be witnessed through you.”        – dorothy ratusny

Your inner wisdom always guides you along a path that fulfills you; and that allows for the highest expression of your soul to be witnessed through you - image of Dorothy Ratusny

Here are some helpful practices to engage in to ensure that you are speaking and living your truth:

  1. Follow your intuition and your gut ‘instinct’ more of the time on simple everyday decisions (e.g. what to eat, what to wear, when to exercise) so you develop practice in acting on what is right and best for you – moment by moment.

  2. Make it a regular practice to spend time alone with yourself.  Use a journal to note how you feel; practice listening within to your ‘inner voice’ rather than the ‘voice’ inside your mind.  At first it will be helpful to be quiet in order to hear this deeper inner knowing.  Then with practice you will be able to discern the difference between your ongoing and sometimes intrusive thoughts and the more calming inner knowing that you feel from within your body; often in the area of your heart centre – as a certain knowing.

  3. When making decisions, particularly simple ones at first – practice following your intuition – and making more decisions from a place of what feels right.  Then, as you apply this strategy for more complex decisions, you will weigh the options from your analytical mind but also taking into consideration what is best for you based on what you desire most and what allows you to feel true (authentic) happiness.





Know that it is possible to live your truth, and to practice complete honesty with yourself and others.  For inspiration of this, please check out this Episode (#13) of the WISDOM Podcast.  Namaste!!