A Meditation of Love and Light

In this meditative experience, you are given the means by which you open your heart to the expression of all that you are. You are this wonder and light. You are the beauty of your soul as perfection.


What happens when we open our heart intentionally is that we receive the love of the universe as light; as ease, as comfort, as pure joy and excitement; and as wonder. These are the most beautiful expressions of your heart open to live and to be love.

When you are of your light, you transcend all experiences, new situations and situations in which you can navigate as your soul consciousness and of your light.

Your mind is free to experience your life one moment and the next; one conscious choice lived fully in the expression of now and in the absence of worry and disillusionment, fear, anxiety, dread; these are constructs and emotional responses felt as the nuances we bring to a situation and because of our thoughts.

As you bring this guidance as wisdom into your life, you realize that you are always safe. You are always able to care for yourself in the way that you need. You are always of your light each and every moment that you live awake to this.

You are the energy of pure love. You are eternal light. Shine brightly.



For the full transcript of this meditation please visit The Wisdom Archives [premium membership].